Maryfield College

Ai Lin Wins Piano Competition

Massive congratulations to Ai Lin Sun in 3rd year who came 1st in the TU Dublin Conservatory u18 Piano Repertoire Competition.

One Good School Course for Teachers

  • Staff can find out more about Jigsaw and reflect on their important role in promoting and supporting youth mental health. 
  • It will help them to identify practical strategies that they can use to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people in their role.
  •  After completing this course, they will have the opportunity to sign up for a follow up support webinar. 
  • They will need to create a LearnUpon account and can complete the course in their own time.

Ai Lin Triumphs at Taekwon-DO!

Congratulations to Ai Lin Sun 3rd year who won a gold and a bronze medal in the Irish Taekwon-Do National Championships last week.


One Good School Flyer

Check out this artwork by Aoife Peelo Smyth of 2S. You will learn lots about One Good School from it.

Parents’ Association Annual Spring Clean

The Maryfield College Parents Association are delighted to announce that their Annual Spring Clean event in association with An Taisce Spring Clean will be taking place again this year on Saturday 2nd April.


All parents, guardians and students are being invited to give up as much time as they possibly can between 09.30 and 1 pm to help with gardening, weeding , painting and a general ‘Spring Clean’ of the school grounds.


If you cannot help out on the day you may be in a position to donate or loan gardening tools, paint or paint brushes, you can also sponsor plants for the grounds.  The day is always rounded off with refreshments.


The Parents Association have attached a flyer to this email with all the details of the event and how you can register to participate.


We are delighted that this event can take place again this year and hope to have a good turn out of volunteers on the 2nd of April.

Relove Fashion Champion!

Relove Fashion Champion!

Elaine Murphy of 4L won ‘ Best casual outfit’ at the Relove fashion grand final 2022 today.  The project was based on making a sustainable, wearable outfit. Her outfit displayed great creativity and skill. Well done to all students who entered the competition.

One Million Stars

Today in our school we are trying to raise awareness to end violence against women. When you entered our school this morning you were met with over 1,000 stars. These beautiful stars were individually hand woven by Class 4L, and other members of the school community.

The project “ONE MILLION STARS” began in Australia in 2012, when Samoan artist Maryann Talia Pau began weaving the eight-pointed stars as a response to the murder of Gillian Meagher, an Irish woman living in Australia.

Australia reached over one million stars and now it is a global movement trying to create one billion stars throughout the world. The artist Maryann claims that “every time a person weaves a star, they are expressing their hopes, dreams and concerns.” She says, “that weaving stars helps us to feel less alone, and less overwhelmed by the enormity of violence and more confident to face the next step.”

The stars represent LIGHT, HOPE and SOLIDARITY against violence throughout the world.

The Project came to Ireland in 2019, and in connection with the AMBER WOMEN’s REFUGE in Kilkenny, the project hopes to raise awareness of domestic abuse by holding public star installations.

Today in Maryfield as part of INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s DAY, Class 4L are proud to launch our public STAR Installation. We hope other individuals and communities will join this wonderful project.


  • 1 in 3 women worldwide experience physical or sexual violence and everyday 137 women worldwide are killed by a partner or member of their own family.


  • In Ireland, 1 in 4 women experience emotional, physical, sexual, or financial abuse from a partner or ex-partner.


  • Since 1996- 244 women have been murdered in Ireland.


  • The Pandemic has had an “unprecedented impact on victims of domestic abuse”. There was a 43% rise in the number of women contacting Women’s Aid.


  • According to a report based on a nationally representative sample of 500 young people (age 18-25), the report found that 1 in 5 young women were abused with 51% of them under 18 when the abuse started.


  • Violence against women is caused by gender inequality. This leads to further inequality as it prevents women from participating in society and achieving their full potential.


Here in Maryfield College, we all have a part to play in putting a stop to violence against women. Let the One Million Stars project inspire and encourage us to work together to end violence against women.

Thank You,

Class 4L