Dave Swift from cliaomh.ie delivered a talk to our third and sixth years about the 1916 Rising.
Dave Swift from cliaomh.ie delivered a talk to our third and sixth years about the 1916 Rising.
Maryfield is delighted to announce its involvement in the Olympic Council’s Dare to Believe programme. This programme helps students to connect to the values, life skills and the biological, psychological and social benefits of sports. daretobelieve.ie
Prefects Halloween fundraiser in aid of Bumbleance.
On Thursday 26th October, Irish Ambassador to Japan, Damien Cole along with Irish Peacekeeper Captain Eoin O’Brien from the Irish Defence Forces visited Maryfield College. They spoke to Politics and Society students, members of the student council and members of the global justice group about their important diplomatic and peacekeeping work abroad. The students had an opportunity to ask questions and engage with Ambassador Cole and Captain O’Brien about the work of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the life of an Ambassador and a Peacekeeper as well as the importance of gender equality in representing Ireland abroad. Ambassador Cole presented Dr. Maree O’Rourke with an UN Flag as a symbol of Ireland’s important work peacekeeping abroad and in recognition of the outstanding work done in Maryfield in global justice education.
There has recently been a tap installed outside the PE hall but today saw a different type of waterworks in action. Our U19A basketball team beat Lusk C.C. in a close and hotly contested match. The team comprised mostly of sixth years and this was the their last ever match…. so there were hysterical tears and general blubbery at the final whistle! Well done and thank you to all our senior citizens, namely Sarah Preston, Louise Hennessey, Ava Cleary, Grace Cleary, Anita Sibi, Holly Graham, Emma Venables and Rebecca Maguire. Fifth year Alannah Kinsella and Holly McEvoy also played (but did not cry).
Our opening of school year mass was celebrated on 11th October in St. Vincent de Paul church. Mass was celebrated by Father Tom Noone. The theme of our mass was taken from Pope Francis’ address to young people in Lisbonduring the summer, we are called to “be surfers of love.” We prayed for our school community and those marginalised throughout the world. We took part in a wonderful liturgy that encouraged us to be of service to the community around us in Maryfield College and beyond.
As we approach the month of the Holy Souls the ‘In November We Remember’ resources have been published at the link below: