Maryfield College

1st /2nd yr Home Economics truffles

1st year Home Economics class made Oreo truffles today and packaged them as gifts to give to their family and friends.

2nd Years made delicious mince and apple pies.

Great fun was had by all doing Christmas cookery.

Poetry Aloud 2019

Maryfield students who took part in the Poetry Aloud Competition in the National Library of Ireland earlier this term

Many thanks to Ms. Whyte for preparing the students for this competition.

Gaeilge 24 Report

Ar an 12 Samhain 2019, ghlac daltaí agus múinteoirí ó Choláiste Pháirc Mhuire páirt i nGaeilge 24. Is dúshlán é Gaeilge 24 chun daltaí scoile a spreagadh chun labhairt as Gaeilge amháin ar feadh 24 uair an chloig; sa bhaile, ar scoil agus gach aon áit eile. Tá an dúshlán á eagrú ag Conradh na Gaeilge agus ghlac 30,000 dalta ó 300 scoil páirt i mbliana.

Deis iontach ba ea í do na daltaí a gcuid Gaeilge a feabhsú agus a chur chun cinn sa scoil. B’iontach an rud é an Ghaeilge a chloisteáil timpeall na scoile.

Bhí lá den scoth againn i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire agus bhain gach duine taitneamh agus sult as an lá.

Thosaíomar le Bricfeasta Gaelach ar maidin agus bhí Pop-up Gaeltacht againn ag am lóin. Labhair na daltaí as Gaeilge don lá ar fad. Comhghairdeas leo go léir.

Beatha teanga í a labhairt !


On the 12th November 2019, students and teachers from Maryfield College took part in Gaeilge 24. Gaeilge 24 is a challenge which encourages pupils to speak only in Irish exclusively for 24 hours; at home, in school and everywhere else. The challenge is organised by Conradh na Gaeilge and this year 30000 students from 300 schools took part.

It  was a wonderful opportunity for the students to improve their Irish and to promote it in the school. It was wonderful to hear the Irish language being spoken around the school.

We had an excellent day in Maryfield College and everyone enjoyed the day.

We started with Breakfast in the morning and we had a Pop-up Gaeltacht at lunch time. The students spoke in Irish for the whole day. Congratulations to everyone.

Transition Year Trip to Cisco System

As part of our Transition Year Computer Coding Module 4K took a trip out to visit Cisco Systems a company that uses programming and coding to produce communication systems for companies throughout the world. They learnt that Cisco was voted the number one company to work for in Ireland in 2019.

The girls had a fun filled and informative day learning about the history of the company and how it all started. They got to meet a Sales Engineer and they had a talk by a female employee who works as a coder within Cisco creating a communication tool for companies called Web Ex.

They got to play with interactive screens and communicate with each other on different screens and in different rooms throughout the building. A great day was had by all.

Thank you Cisco!


Donal Walsh #LiveLife Foundation

Transition Year Students attended a talk today by guest speaker Fionnbar Walsh, the father of Donal Walsh and a representative of the #LiveLife Foundation.

The talk was about Donal’s life and struggles when he was diagnosed with Cancer as a teenager. Donal Walsh, the Kerry teenager who touched so many lives when he came to prominence through his writings and subsequent appearance on Brendan O’Connor’s ‘The Saturday Night Show’ is being honored by his native county. Donal who fund raised tirelessly while battling Cancer has now had the Donal Walsh #Livelife Foundation set up by his family primarily in order to promote his anti-suicide #Livelife message.

This talk was moving and inspiring and promoted Donal’s message to live your life to the full and when you are struggling in life to reach out and tell a friend, find someone you can open up to, there is always help.

Donal’s message has inspired the class of 4K to create a Charity Christmas calendar that will promote this important message and all funds raised will go towards the #LiveLife Foundation.

Thank you Fionnbar for sharing Donal’s story with us!




PolSoc students attended The Claire Byrne Live Show in RTE Studios

5th and 6th Year Politics & Society students attended The Claire Byrne Live Show in RTE Studios on Monday 16th September.  The group had the opportunity to meet some of the producers of the shower and participate in the debates broadcasted live on RTE 1 Television.


Petit Déjeuner

Ms Redmond’s 3rd and 6th year French classes organised what has become the long standing tradition of a class French breakfast. Well done to the team effort in organising!