Maryfield College



Ms Farrelly and the Prefects’ St Patrick’ day themed fundraiser in aid of Child Vision

Prefect Karaoke

The prefects and Ms Farrelly had great fun yesterday with all the Junior students at the Christmas Karaoke held in the assembly hall. Everyone was in great spirits.

Prefect Fundraiser- Christmas 2024

The prefects and Ms Farrelly held a fundraiser in aid of Focus Ireland Focus on Children. A Christmas dress up was organised and over €1170 was raised. Great fun was had while raising funds for this very deserving cause.

Prefect Fundraiser- Halloween 2024

More photos and details to follow.


Sports Day 2024- Fun in the Sun

Today was sports day! Ms Farrelly and the prefects organised a whole-school, competitive and fun series of events, enjoyed by all in the glorious sunshine. Well done to everyone involved!

Prefect Fundraiser For Aoibhneas

The prefects, staff and pupils had a great day, during their fundraiser in aid of Aoibhneas. Lots of fun, traditional colours, music and over €940 raised for this wonderful charity. Ms Farrelly

Prefects’ Christmas fundraiser for the children of Gaza

This Year’s Prefects Commissioned At School Mass

Prefects Raise E1,000 in Aid of Alone

On Thursday the 16th of March,Ms Farrelly and  the Prefects held a St Patrick’s day dress up and fundraiser in aid of ‘ Alone’.
A great day was had by all and the  total money raised was  €1000.
A huge thank you to all Students, Staff and Parents for your generosity.

Prefect and Juniors Singalong

The 6th year Prefects and all 1st, 2nd and 3rd year pupils, enjoyed a festive sing along before Christmas.


Prefect Fundraiser

The Prefects and Ms Farrelly wish to thank all Staff, Students and Parents for their generosity during the Prefects 2nd fundraiser. A very generous €1046.30 was raised for Sonas, which will be used to provide refuge for Women and Children in distress.

Prefects’ Halloween fundraiser for the Community in Creeslough,  Co Donegal.

A huge thank you to Parents pupils and staff for their contribution to the Prefects’ Halloween fundraiser for the Community in Creeslough,  Co Donegal.
A total of €1,440 was raised.
Lots of great costumes on the day too, Ms Farrelly and the prefects were delighted with the great efforts made.


Prefects 2022-2023




Prefects’ Lunch 19/5/’22

Prefects enjoy lunch together, as a thank you for all their hard work. Despite COVID restrictions , such as staggered breaks  hampering their interaction with the junior classes, they still managed to  arrange  quizzes , pancake day for all the juniors,  picnic lunches,  and  3 whole school dress up  fundraisers, raising a staggering €7500. Congratulations, farewell and thank you .

Prefects’ Rounders Match 15/3/’22

Prefects’ Christmas Breakfast



Prefects’ Halloween Fundraiser

The Prefects held their first fundraiser on Tuesday the 24th of October, inviting us to ‘Wear Spooky Stuff for Those Sleeping Rough’. Both students and staff entered into the Halloween spirit by dressing up in some seriously spooky outfits. The event was a fantastic success with the sum of €1,170 being raised for Focus Ireland. Well done to all involved!