Maryfield College

Parents Association

Trinity Walton Club

As we celebrate 10 years of Trinity Walton Club, we are more committed than ever to empowering young STEM learners. We’re delighted to invite students to our upcoming Easter and Summer STEM Camps—where curiosity meets creativity, and learners explore, experiment, and innovate in a dynamic learning environment at Trinity College Dublin.


Easter Camp (April 14–18):

  • For pre-Junior Certificate students.


Summer Camps (June – Aug): 

  • Open to all second-level students.



Trinity Walton Club
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Dublin 2, DN02 PN40, Ireland.

E-Flyer TWC Camps 2025

Maryfield College Careers’ Day 2024

 A massive thank you to everyone who joined us—students, professionals, colleges, universities, and further educational bodies—for making this year’s Careers Day a huge success!  Special thanks to Ms Finola Ryan and the Parents Association who organised the event.
Parents’ Association AGM
Spring Clean 2024

On Saturday the 20th of April, the Parents’ Association took part in an Taisce’s National Spring Clean. This year we were very lucky with the weather and a great group of volunteers came together to help on the day.

We would like to thank –

  • All the volunteers, both parents and students.
  • The Principal, Dr O’Rourke, Alan and John the school caretakers for all their help on the day.
  • The bakers who treated us to some homemade scone and cakes.
  • An Taisce and Dublin City Council.

Some of the jobs that were carried out –

  • Painting of benches in Courtyards.
  • Painting of handrails, entrance gates and sports hall door.
  • Weeding, raking, and planting of flower beds in front of school.
  • Litter picking of school grounds.
Maryfield College Parents Association AGM – 27th September 2023
The Parents Associations’ AGM took place on the 27th September and was attended by several parents, committee members and school representatives. The AGM agenda included a welcome address from the principal Dr O’Rourke, SPHE parent presentation, welcome from Chairperson Claire Barkey, minutes from previous AGM, treasurer’s report and election of PA committee for 2023/2024. Our guest speaker at the AGM was Psychotherapist Helen Vaughan who gave a talk on Teen Anxiety and Stress. We are sharing Helen’s presentation and some great book recommendations.
Some photos and Helen’s presentation can be found below.
Teens Maryfield AGM Sept 2023

Invitation to Attend AGM 2023

Parents Association Newsletter 2023

The Parent Association of Maryfield College would like to share with you news of their activities throughout the school year, please read our newsletter for all the updates.

PA Newsletter May 2023

Spring Clean 2023

Despite the rain, the Parents Association and students from Maryfield College were out in force celebrating World Earth Day by hosting its annual Spring Clean of the school’s grounds. It was a busy morning weeding, pruning, cutting back brambles, clearing moss, litter picking and planting new plants. A big thank you to all the parents, especially the students who volunteered, the school caretaker Alan Redmond and principal Dr O’Rourke.  A big shout out to Dublin City Council who provided us with bags, gloves and litter pickers and Tully Nurseries in Ballyboughal who supplied us with some planting. 

Recording of Cycle Against Suicide’s talk for parents with Dr Blanaid Gavin


Following unprecedented interest in Cycle Against Suicide’s recent information talk with Dr. Blanaid Gavin on ‘Understanding Anxiety in Teenagers‘, parents can now register for access to the recording.

In this session, Dr. Gavin talks about what anxiety is, why it happens, when to be concerned, and how to help.

Dr. Gavin also discusses what is known about the causes and consequences of depression and what is known to aid recovery.

This recording is free to all parents.

For access, parents can register at:

Careers Fair Hosted by the Parents Association and Guidance Department



Parents Association Sponsor Christmas Tree

It’s that time of the year again and to mark the start of the Christmas Season at Maryfield College, the Parents Association have sponsored the Christmas tree in the school’s courtyard. Thanks to our committee members who helped decorate the tree which looks great alongside the five new benches that the association purchased last month for the school.

Quiz Night – October 2022

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported the first fundraising event of the year. A great night was had by all and congratulations to Tracy Ennis and her team on winning the quiz. A big thank you to all the companies that donated spot prizes and St Vincent’s GAA Club for letting us use their facilities.

Annual Spring Clean 2022

The Maryfield College Parents Association are delighted to announce that their Annual Spring Clean event in association with An Taisce Spring Clean will be taking place again this year on Saturday 2nd April.


All parents, guardians and students are being invited to give up as much time as they possibly can between 09.30 and 1 pm to help with gardening, weeding , painting and a general ‘Spring Clean’ of the school grounds.


If you cannot help out on the day you may be in a position to donate or loan gardening tools, paint or paint brushes, you can also sponsor plants for the grounds.  The day is always rounded off with refreshments.


The Parents Association have attached a flyer to this email with all the details of the event and how you can register to participate.


We are delighted that this event can take place again this year and hope to have a good turn out of volunteers on the 2nd of April.

Maryfield Spring Clean up report 2019

Maryfield Spring Clean up report 2019


Information afternoon for Maryfield senior cycle students

2017-2018 Parent contact request form

HSE Psychology Advice Clinic Flyer

Parents have always been encouraged to play a very active part in the life of Maryfield and an active Parents’ Association has existed for many years.   The Association plays an important part in the successful running of the school.  We hold meetings on topics of educational interest to parents and we support the work of the school in many other ways.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To seek to represent the views of parents and guardians.
  • To consult and inform parents regarding school policy and plans.
  • To promote good relations and cooperation between the parents, teachers and pupils.
  • To provide a forum for discussion and consultation on matters of mutual concern to parents, teachers and pupils.
  • To promote the Christian message in the lives of parents, pupils and teachers.
  • To promote the role of parents and guardians as the prime educators of their children.
  • To support and organize activities in support of the school.


The Parents Association have hosted many beneficial Information evenings for parents, dealing with issues such as drug awareness , study skills, and we support the annual ‘Cheese & Wine’ night for the parents of 1st Years.  We have also been involved in supporting music evenings, Art competitions, organised the highly-successful School Clean-up day, 2012, organised funding raising event “Swishing the Rails”.  Assisted with the Transition Year Concert – “Back to the 80’”

The Association have also consulted on the review of some school policies such as the College Code of Conduct.


The annual contribution from parents provides the bulk of funding.  If additional funds are needed for the Association’ work, Over the last few years, funds raised by the Parents Association have been allocated to:

  • New Sports kits for Basketball, Athletics and other sports.
  • Goalposts for the Camogie pitch.
  • Various materials and contributions to the Arts, Music and Religion Departments.
  • Study skills.
  • School Clean-up Day.
  • Donations towards the Hope Foundation in Calcutta.
  • Courtyard project.
  • New windows for the School Library.

Membership & Meetings:

All parents / guardians of pupils attending Maryfield College are automatically members of the Parents’ Association.

The annual general meeting of the Association is normally held in October, and at this meeting a Committee is elected each year to co-ordinate the activities of the Parents’ Association.

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 19.30 in the School. All parents are welcome to join the Committee.

Two parents also represent the parent body on The Board of Management.

Chair – Claire Barkey
Deputy Chair – Triona Lawler
Treasurer – Catherine McMillan & Ann Ussher
Secretary – Patricia Mulligan

Contact Us:

Do you want to join the Committee, assist at one of our events or simply want more information?

Contact us at: