Maryfield College

Poetry Aloud Competition in The National Library

Maryfield can be very proud of its seventeen representatives who recently attended the Poetry Aloud Competition in The National Library. Four places were awarded to successful participants to go through to the semi-finals and Maryfield secured two of these places. The successful students were Aoife Kehoe and Sara Coogan. Congratulations to the other fifteen students who articulated flawlessly from memory two poems from the Library’s prescribed anthologies of poetry. Already we are looking forward to the semi-finals in November. Thank you to all students and staff for their support and for making this event so successful.


Junior Category: Niamh Boland, Cecilia Chiau, Eve Coffey, Robyn Craddock, Molly Griffin, Grace Kane, Ruby Kiernan, Daisy O’Beirnes, Jamuna Sethuran

Intermediate Category: Kate Byrne, Sarah Coogan, Shelby Cullen, Saoirse Dunne, Aoife Kehoe, Nina Roe, Fiona Whelan

Ms Whyte Ms Maguire


5th Year Outing to Blessington

Our 5th Year students enjoyed a fantastic bonding day at Avon Rí Adventure Centre in Blessington. With 5th Year students progressing either directly from 3rd Year or via Transition Year, it is important that the students get an opportunity to know each other and to identify with their new year-group. The students threw themselves enthusiastically into the wide variety of activities on offer, enjoying the beautiful October weather and the magnificent scenery. New friendships were formed and old ones consolidated. Undoubtedly, this was a very positive and enjoyable experience for all involved.

TY Concern Workshop

Some members of the Global Issues Group attended a workshop on World Food Day last Friday 20th October. The workshop was organized by Concern Worldwide and offered the students an opportunity to engage with students from other schools on the topics of sustainable development goals and the challenges surrounding global hunger.

Trip to the Dáil

5th Year Politics and Society students were invited to the Dáil last Friday 20th October to meet Parliamentary Education Officer, Conor Reale. The group spent some time in the committee room debating lowering the voting age to 16. Finian McGrath TD and Minister of State for Disability Issues also spoke to the students about the work of a TD and some of his responsibilities as Minister. It was a thoroughly enjoyable trip for all and certainly inspired some of us to consider future careers as leaders.

Success for Maryfield at Concern Debates

The Maryfield College Debate team successfully opposed the motion “Individuals serious about climate change must give up eating meat” in their first debate this year of the Concern Debates series. The team debated against Moyle Park College and enjoyed exchanging thought-provoking ideas before the judges brought back their unanimous decision in favour of Maryfield.

Prefects’ First Fundraiser

The prefects held their first fundraiser of the school year on Friday 12 October. This purpose of the event was to raise funds for St. Francis Hospice and also to remember our dear pupil Ciara Hawe. €1,765 was raised on the day and we all enjoyed looking pretty in pink!

Maryfield Global Issues Group

The Maryfield Global Issues were delighted to have been invited to Iveagh House on Friday 7th September to meet Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations to share the outstanding work they have done on raising awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  The students also had the opportunity to meet Simon Coveney, Tánaiste & Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Katie Farrell receives creative writing award from President Higgins

Congratulations to Transition Year student Katie Farrell, who received the award for Female Second Level student from the “Write Here, Write Now” Writing Competition. This competition is presented annually by Hot Press Magazine, in conjunction with Creative Writing Ireland and the Irish Writers Centre. Katie was presented with the “Very Highly Commended” award by the Most Honourable President Michael D. Higgins at the Irish Writers Centre on Monday the 28th May. Katie also won an award for her writing from Trinity College Dublin earlier in the year. Well done Katie!


Creative Writing

6th Year Graduation

Our 6th Year graduation day took place on Wednesday 23rd May. This was a wonderful celebration of the students’ five or six years spent at Maryfield. The day included a ceremony in the school hall and mass in Marino church, followed by a reception back at the school. We wish all our 6th Year students the very best in their upcoming exams.