Maryfield College

4th Year Law Ed.: Visit by a Practising Barrister

4th Year Law Ed.: Visit by a Practising Barrister

A barrister and a past pupil of Maryfield College came to talk to us about a career in law. Asma  explained to us  the path she took to becoming  a qualified barrister.

She explained  clearly the difference between a barrister and a solicitor. She told us about the different levels of courts and the qualifications and experience to practice there.

As a junior barrister she was working in the district court. She specialised in the criminal  court.

She told us about the difference between a junior and senior council and the distinction made between the robes worn in court. Silks were senior barristers with vast experience and knowledge . They worked in the higher courts such as the circuit and high court .

Asma explained how she did her primary degree in law and then went to study in Kings Inn for two years . During that time she followed a practising barrister in the courts gaining valuable knowledge and experience. This process is known as “devilling” .

When she was  finished her final exams she is known as  a junior council. She will spend at least ten years as a junior council until she moves up to practice in the higher courts .

We found listening to Asma very interesting and we were given the opportunity to ask questions . We loved to hear about the types of cases she dealt with  and she had her robe on to show us the type of clothing she wore. It was a brilliant opportunity to hear first hand the life of a barrister in law.

4th Year Law Ed. Students