Here’s some photos of the 4th yrs. with the gnomes they made in a craft workshop run by Ms Mahoney and Ms McLoughlin. Well done everyone!
Here’s some photos of the 4th yrs. with the gnomes they made in a craft workshop run by Ms Mahoney and Ms McLoughlin. Well done everyone!
Congratulations to all our 2022 Junior Certificate candidates who received their results today! Our girls performed extremely well and made the school very proud.
1st Year Elections
On the 25th of October the First Year elections took place
2. They were assigned temporary roles for the election and were explained how to carry out these roles.
3. Four assigned members of the Student Council went to collect the first group of First Years and brought them to the assembly hall where the elections took place.
4. After all the groups of First Years voted, all the members were taught how to count votes.
5. The elections went really well, and the First Years Student Council members were elected: Lily Moran from 1R and Abigail Aju from 1L.
Here is a photo of the prefects not wearing Halloween costumes!
The TY Japanese Class enjoyed a visit to Senbazuru Japanese Restaurant in Fairview with their teacher Ms O Loughlin yesterday. They all enjoyed their Bento Lunch and using their newly learned Japanese greetings.
Here’s some pics from the Taekwondo National Championships in Limerick last Saturday. Ai Lin got a bronze🥉for 1st Dan patterns and gold🥇in the black belt 1-3 Dan U18 -61kg sparring. Winners will be selected into the National Team and the girl that got silver for sparring is the reigning World Cup Champion! Congratulations, Ai Lin!
Congratulations to Fiona Joby 1L who bought the winning raffle ticket at the Halloween Sale on Thursday 27th of October. Enjoy your prize 😊
Our first years enjoyed a Halloween extravaganza in the pe hall today! Spooktacular!