Maryfield College

Jigsaw’s One Good School- CLANG

CLANG is Jigsaw’s campaign to help us all learn about and look after our own mental health and wellbeing. From Monday, 10 to Friday, 14 October, we’re asking you to join us in doing five simple actions proven to help with your mental health and wellbeing.

  1. Connect
  2. Keep Learning
  3. Be active
  4. Take notice
  5. Give back in support of Jigsaw

Ways to connect

  • Connect over lunch, featuring special treats brought in by the students or free pizza.
  • Digital detox day, where students and staff don’t use their phones for a whole school day. There’s nothing like removing devices from your day to promote connecting with those around you.
  • A screening. Use a room with a projector in and screen a film or game. A love of sport and film can bring people together like nothing else!

Ways to keep learning

  • Presentation in school, college, or the student union by one of the organisers, explaining the Five a Day for Mental Health and its benefits.
  • Webinar or completion of online course. See what courses we have available on
  • Learn a new skill. Research a skill such as knot tying, cooking a particular meal, origami, etc. Then teach this new skill to each other!

Ways to be active

  • Organised run, walk, or hike. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Pick a nice location locally or further afield and go for a run, walk or hike there.
  • Interschool or intercollege sports game. What about students versus teachers or lecturers or a match against another school/college/society?
  • Board game evening. So why not organise an evening where people can bring in their favourites?

Ways to take notice 

  • Guided meditation There are lots of great guided meditation resources online. Have a look on YouTube and see if anything would suit your group.
  • Nature walk around the school or college grounds. Are you near a nice park or located out in the countryside? Why not find a nice spot and go for a relaxing walk as a group?
  • Litter pick up around the local area. There are few things more relaxing than taking a stroll and cleaning up your local area.

Ways to give back in support of Jigsaw

  • Bake sale. Get a few talented bakers together, make some cakes and treats, and sell them. There’s nothing like a home baked brownie to put a smile on someone’s face.
  • Non uniform day/costume day. Let everyone express themselves through their own choice of clothing in exchange for a modest donation. A classic!
  • Sponsored run, walk, or hike. Keep things simple, pick a challenging location for a run, walk or hike and get sponsored by friends and family.
  • Charity night out, gig or concert. Pick a venue, pick a form of entertainment to offer, and charge for tickets. Maybe throw in a raffle and there you have it!

CLANG with Jigsaw: Team challenge


TY trip to Russborough House

The TYs travelled to Russborough House in Wicklow last Thursday where they participated in Archery, Zip-lining, High Ropes, Bushcraft and Rock Climbing. They then canoed across the Liffey Reservoir to their campsite, and braved the elements as they camped outside. A great time was had by all, where they learned to work as a team and bond with their year group! Many thanks to their teachers Mr. Dempsey, Mr. Devlin, Ms. Keating and Ms. Cooney for travelling with them!