Maryfield College

Walk to School Competition- European Mobility Week

Irish secondary schools have been invited to take part in a Walk to School competition as part of European Mobility Week, which takes place from 16th to 22nd September.

Dublin City Council is partnering with An Taisce’s Green-Schools Travel Programme to encourage as many students, parents and staff to walk to school any day during European Mobility Week.

They are inviting schools across Dublin City to, where possible, walk some of part of their way to school if they can during this week, and to submit entries to their EMW Walk to School competition. Participating schools will be in with a chance to win a €200 voucher for PE gear or an opportunity to take part in a promotional video!

More information can be found here.

Do you walk to school or will you walk during European Mobility Week? How does it make you feel? What do you see on your journey? Who do you meet along the way? Do your friends join you on your walk or is it a solo adventure?

Secondary school students are invited to create a poster focused on the positive aspects of walking to school. This isn’t just a normal poster, we want you to get creative! Posters should display the most fun fact or that highlight the benefits of walking to school in the most imaginative way.

Green Schools have a number of Fun Facts on Walking that can be used as inspiration for your poster!

The school with the best poster will win!

Why participate?

  • Exploring your local area through this activity will help students develop a better understanding of their surrounding environment.
  • To provide an insight of student experiences on the way to school
  • Participating in this competition is the perfect way to gear up for the Green-Schools National Walk to School Week 2023 where schools all over Ireland will be celebrating walking to school with Green-Schools during National Walk to School Week from October 2nd to 6th.

How to Enter

To take part in the competition send in your school’s worksheets and / or posters by Friday 29th September.

Send a photo of each entry from your school to

Food Village- Your School Meals

We are delighted to be introducing a new school meals service with Food Village for 2023-2024.


Food Village will visit the school on Friday 8th September to ‘onboard’ all students and students are required to bring their mobile device with them to school that day. Full service will then commence on Wednesday 13th September.


In advance we request that all students have the Food Village app downloaded and their account registered prior to the onboarding day on the 8th of September.   Please use this link to view specific information relating to our school, the unique registration code and to view the menu.


New School App- Instructions

We are delighted today to launch our new school app.

Through the app we will keep our whole school community updated on school events, activities and students’ achievements throughout the year and events section will remind parents of important dates in the school calendar.

We continue to use VS Ware for all attendance information, school reporting and VS Ware Mail as our main method of communication with parents.

We hope that you find the app a useful way to stay connected to the school community this year.

The validation code has been sent through VS Ware Mail & text and student email.  

App Installation_Guide

App Downloads: Android App Download
IOS – IOS App Download Link

Ghaeilge i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire

An samhradh buailte linn agus bliain iontach eile don Ghaeilge i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire

Ghlac daltaí (thart ar 140 dalta )agus múinteoirí ó Choláiste Pháirc Mhuire páirt i nGaeilge 24 arís i mbliana ar an 15ú Samhain 2022 . Is dúshlán é Gaeilge 24 chun daltaí scoile a spreagadh chun labhairt as Gaeilge amháin ar feadh 24 uair an chloig. Tá an dúshlán á eagrú ag Conradh na Gaeilge agus deis iontach ba ea í do na daltaí a gcuid Gaeilge a feabhsú agus a chur chun cinn sa scoil. Bhí bricfeasta Gaelach againn ar maidin chun fuinneamh a thabhairt dúinn don lá fada lán le Gaeilge agus don dúshlán a bhí romhainn. Bhí an ceaintín dubh le daoine agus an Ghaeilge á labhairt ag gach duine le chéile. Ghlacamar páirt i dTráth na gCeist Beo ar Zoom. Bhí na mílte ar fud na tíre ag glacadh páirte chomh maith. Bhí céilí mór ar siúl san iarnóin agus bhain chuile dhuine spórt agus spraoi as! B’iontach an rud é teanga álainn na Gaeilge a chloisteáil ar fud na scoile ar feadh an lae.  Bronnadh teastas orthu siúd a ghlac páirt san fheachtas tábhachtach seo. Comhghairdeas leo go léir. Mar a deir an seanfhocal “Beatha teanga í a labhairt”.

1 An samhradh buailte linn agus bliain iontach eile don Ghaeilge i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire[47]

Aviation Careers – ‘what happens beyond the clouds’

Maryfield College applied to join the Ryanair Role Models Roadshow, an inspiration day for female students who might think about a career with RyanairThis event was being held in Ryanair HQ in Dublin and will also be held in London, Spain and Italy.
7 of Maryfield College students were delighted to be chosen from 400 schools across the country.  At this wonderful Careers event the students were able to listen to presentations from Pilots, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Customer Services, Chief Risk Officer, Senior Engineer, Director of HR and a group of graduate entry staff.  All these positions are held by females, so it was particularly inspiring for our students.   The students really got a great insight into the various careers and advice on how to proceed in their career pathway.  A special thank you to 6th year student Roisin Boland who informed us about the application and wishing her great success as she pursues her flight training. 

Guidance Department.