Maryfield College

Proclamation Day 2016

Lá an Fhorógra 2016

Tuesday March 15th 2016 was celebrated as Proclamation day at Maryfield along with schools throughout the country. All the students participated in a moving and enjoyable ceremony that included a time for respectful reflection and some fun cultural activity. The Irish Proclamation was read followed by our own Proclamation for a New Generation in which we voiced our vision for a peaceful and inclusive Ireland. We raised our new flag and then sang Amhrán na bhFiann. As part of our creative input to the event each student prepared a coloured piece of card reflecting what it means to them to be Irish. We raised these green, white and orange cards on Proclamation Day to form our own national flag. Our event concluded with some céilí dancing that was very much enjoyed by all.

Ceiliúradh Lá an Fhorógra ar an 15 Márta i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire, mar aon le gach scoil eile sa tír. Ghlacamar go léir páirt i searmanas ina léigheamar an Fhorógra chomh maith lenár bhForógra féin do Ghlúin Nua. D’ardaíomar brat na hÉireann agus ansin chanamar Amhrán na bhFiann. Chríochnaigh an ócáid le céilí.

Easter Egg Hunt

Our vibrant Student Council ran a very enjoyable Easter Egg Hunt just before the Easter Holidays. Each year group lined up at the front of the school in anticipation of a race to search for hidden eggs on the front field. Students charged in all directions after the starter’s orders in the hope of finding the coveted prizes.


The Irish Federation of University Women’s Public Speaking Competition 2016

The Irish Federation of University Women's Public Speaking CompetitionThe Irish Federation of University Women’s Public Speaking Competition for girls under 15 years of age was held on Saturday 6th February in the Quinn building at U.C.D. Belfield.

Maryfield’s entrants were Mairéad Kelly McHugh, Ciara Ní Chuirc, Lorna Lawless and substitute Abbey Byrne.

The challenge of this competition for speakers is to draw an unseen aspect of their chosen topic and in thirty minutes prepare an on the spot two to three minute speech.

Mairéad, whose topic was School Life, drew the aspect homework is an unnecessary evil.

Ciara, whose topic was Health and Lifestyle, drew the aspect drugs affect more than the user.

Lorna, whose topic was Family Life and Relationships, drew the aspect do parents know their children?

Mairéad, Ciara and Lorna’s excellently articulated and well timed speeches which demonstrated great knowledge, research and humour were rewarded with admirable applause from a captive audience.

Six schools took part and after a lengthy deliberation St. Leo’s of Carlow were announced the winners.

Maryfield can be very proud of a truly great performance by Mairéad, Ciara and Lorna who each received certificates for their achievement.

Their commitment to lunchtime rehearsals is to be commended not forgetting the other public speaking enthusiasts Abbey Byrne, Nina Jashi, Emma Tyrrell, Saoirse Dunne, and Sara Gunnigan who no doubt we will be hearing from in the future.



Dublin Brigade Irish Volunteers 1916 Exhibition

On Thursday 25 February the Dublin Brigade Irish Volunteers visited the school with their 1916 Exhibition.  Paul, Ronnie and Dermot engaged the students with their stories of those who took part in the Rising and the students were then invited to examine the vast array of memorabilia they had brought with them.  It was a great start to our commemorations of the 1916 Rising.

An Muid an Triúr is gealaí sa tír?


Táimid ag glacadh páirte i #Dúshlán. Tá an comórtas seo ar siúl thar caoga uair an chloig, ón a dó a chlog Dé Máirt 2 Feabhra go dtí a ceathair a chlog Déardaoin 4 Feabhra. Beidh an comórtas bunaithe ar phóintí a fháil, tá caoga gníomh le déanamh, agus táimid ag obair go dian orthu faoi láthair! Is gá dúinn fianaise (grianghraif/fiseáin nó screenshot) a phóstáil ar Twitter go leanúnach thar an gcaoga uair an chloig.

Tar ar ais anseo chun a fháil amach conas mar ar éirigh linn, agus bí ag faire amach dúinn ag rith timpeall na háite ag iarraidh gach rud a chríochnú!

Mince Pie and Mulled Wine Night 

The annual Mince Pie and Mulled Wine Night for parents of our First Year students took place on Wednesday 16th December. The purpose of the evening is to introduce the parents to the school in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. This event is a collaborative venture between the Maryfield Music Department and the Parents’ Association.

The evening began with a short concert highlighting the musical talent of our students. Of course our First Years took centre stage with performances from the First Year choir and soloists. Maryfield has always had a strong tradition of traditional Irish music and this year is no exception. The audience was treated to a selection of dance music and slow airs followed by the catchy Shipping Up to Boston. The School Choir closed the concert with a programme of Christmas favourites.

The evening concluded with refreshments provided by the Parents’ Association in the dining room. Parents, students and staff enjoyed the festive fare and mingled in the warm friendly atmosphere.

New parents are always welcome to attend the Parents’ Association meetings which take place on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm in the school.





Maryfield Basketballers: The Newly-Crowned Dublin Champions

Congratulations to Maryfield’s basketball players. Our Under 19b and Under 16a teams both competed successfully in their finals on Thursday 28 January, becoming the 2016 Dublin Basketball Champions.

Pictured in blue is the victorious u19b basketball team and the team pictured in black is the victorious u16a team.

Poetry Aloud Competition Final 2015

Venue: The National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 1

ROISIN FERGUSONOn Friday 4th December  in The National Library of Ireland ‘finalist Roisin Ferguson a first year at Maryfield College  was awarded 2nd prize in the Junior Category  of The Poetry Aloud Competition.

Roisin captivated her audience with her beautiful , unique interpretation and articulation of   two poems “The Rose Tree” by William Butler Yeats and “ Back in the playground blues” by Adrian Mitchell.

Her recitals from memory were flawless  both in the regional heats and the final competition .

Poetry Aloud  celebrates Yeats 150th Anniversary and registered 1805 students the highest ever  entry received. Thirty six students represented schools in the final from Antrim, Armagh, Carlow, Cork, Donegal,Down, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny,Laois, Monaghan,Sligo , Tipperary,Waterford and Wicklow.

This prestigious event was sponsored by Poetry Ireland and The National Library of Ireland who aim to bring “poetry into the memory and affections of the young in a way that will make it a lifelong possession and value .”(Seamus Heaney)

Congratulations Roisin.


Concern Debate

Orla Reardon, Eimear Kelly, Fiona Monks and Maria Lee from the Maryfield Concern Debate Team are pictured here alongside the team from Ardscoil Rís.  The team under the leadership of Ms. S. Mellon debated the motion “The COP21 climate agreements will succeed where others have failed” and the standard of debating was so high that the adjudicators from Concern International decided it was a draw, awarding both teams points. The next debate will take place in early January.

Concern Debate Teams