Maryfield College

MATHletes Leinster Provincial Final

Congratulations to Laura Berry 1S, Eve Boyle Elward 1S, Gemma Burke 1R and Alexandra Ichim 2S who qualified for the Leinster Secondary Provincial Final for MATHletes. The final took place on Saturday, April 18th from 9:30-2:30 at the Google Headquarters on Barrow Street in Dublin. Well done, girls! We are very proud of your achievements.

The MATHletes Challenge is a tournament which aims to transform how we learn and teach maths in Ireland using online resources. While using a competitive model it also engages the students with maths in a meaningful and enjoyable way.


Fifth Year Trip to Italy

The Fifth Years and staff are back from their Art/Home Economics trip to Italy, which took place at the start of the Easter holidays. Accompanied by Ms. McLoughlin, Ms. Parkinson, Mrs. O’Connor Murray, Ms. O’Toole and Miss King, the girls first savoured the delights of Rome including the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon, and the Coliseum.  Then on to Sorrento for some serious Home Economics! We visited a cheese farm and also an olive farm where we watched wonderful demonstrations of cheesemaking and olive oil production. We also saw how coffee is produced, how honey is harvested and how to make gelato. We also learned how to make rum babas, a traditional cake of Naples. In between we visited Pompeii in glorious sunshine and learned a lot from our guide Vincenzo, while also having time for some serious dancing in a local nightclub. On two nights we cooked part of our dinner, and on the last evening were shown some Italian dancing. Maryfield returned the favour dancing The Walls of Limerick to the strains of ‘Funiculi, Funicula’ to the bemusement of those at the restaurant!! Up early for a last day and a fantastic return to Rome to see the Sistine Chapel and, an added bonus, St. Peter’s Basilica! Finally off on the bus to the airport where we had great fun trying to make sure we got all the olive oil, marmalade and coffee home in one piece! A great time was had by all and the staff would like to thank the students for their good humour, and excellent behaviour on the trip. Also special thanks to Ms. McAuley and Mrs. Draper who put a lot of work into the organisation of the trip.


Texaco Art Competition Winner

Big congratulations to Ksenija Ustimenko of Fifth Year who won a special merit award in the senior section of the Texaco Art Competition. Her stunning picture, done in pencil, entitled “Breeze” is a fabulous portrait which shows great skill and sensitivity.


Maths Eyes: a cross-curricular approach to numeracy

A prize-giving ceremony took place in the library this week for the Maryfield Maths Eyes competition. This was a competition run by the Art Department for both junior and senior students. Students were invited to take photos of the world around them with their “maths eyes” on. This meant taking a photo that reflected a maths theme, such as symmetry, pattern, scale or estimation.  The photos were then entered in the National Maths Eyes competition where two of our students won in their respective categories. They are Ksenija Ustimenko from Fifth Year and Chloe Cahill from First Year. Prize-giving took place in the school library on Wednesday where the girls were presented with their certificates, prizes and badges. We were delighted that a number of parents were also able to attend. The photos, which are currently on display in the library, are certainly very stimulating and thought-provoking. They broaden our sometimes narrow focus and encourage us to view our numeracy-rich environment through a new lens.  We thank Ms. McLoughlin, Ms.Gilrane and Ms. Byrne for helping to organise the day.

Junk Kouture Leinster Regional Final

There was great excitement in Maryfield on Friday 13th of February when Emer Lorenz of Fourth Year had a surprise visit from the manager of Bank of Ireland, Marino who came to present Emer, in the middle of musical rehearsals, with a Silver ticket – her entry into the Junk Kouture Leinster regional final!

Junk Kouture is a national competition for second level students, challenging them to create high-end wearable fashion from everyday junk that would normally find its way into the bin.
The dress which Emer made is made from dried teabags and a cardboard tea box and is accessorised with a hat made from doilies. Emer will need your votes on Facebook- we will be giving the link here shortly!

The Irish Federation of University Women Public Speaking Competition

irishfederationforThe Irish Federation of University Women hosted a Public Speaking Competition for Girls under 15 years of age at U.C.D Belfield on Saturday 7th February at 1.00 p.m.

Representing Maryfield were two first years , Mairead Kelly McHugh (1L)  Vilte Vilimaite (1L) and one third year Maria Lee (3S)
Our thoughts were with  Abbey Byrne (1l) who had to forfeit her place on the team because of illness on the Friday. Her peer Vilte  Vilimaite  very kindly volunteered as substitute and saved the day.
Six schools took part. St Leo’s, Carlow, won the competition and afterwards their coaches said that they had thought Maryfield were going to win. The girls were delighted to hear they were thought of as high contenders .
Congratulations to all three  girls for speaking out so passionately  on  aspects of their chosen topics. The following aspects the girls spoke on were :(1) The government should limit the amount of cars on the road, (2) Will parents EVER understand teenagers? (3) Teachers don’t understand their students.

Their flawless speech presentations were very impressive especially as they had to plan on the spot their aspects for a 2-3 minute speech.
All their lunch hour advance classroom preparation proved worthwhile. Past contenders who popped in at intervals to give encouraging tips were very much appreciated. Special thanks to Una Whelan, (6) Erin Leavey,(6) and Nadia Corigan(T/Y)

Maria Lee, Mairead Kelly McHugh, and Vilte Vilimaite proudly  left U.C.D. each with their own certificate and knowing  they had won the greatest prize of all  CONFIDENCE.