Maryfield College

Couch to 5K

As part of Maryfield’s Whole-School Wellbeing strategy, we will introduce a couch to 5K running programme, beginning on Monday, 23rd of January. Each pupil is welcome to participate, regardless of fitness levels.

We will meet after school up to three times a week and the aim is for participants to be able to eventually run for 5km without stopping. It starts off with a manageable combination of walking and jogging and progresses towards running only. The plan doesn’t just include running- there will be some general cardio and strength training to help build up muscle and stamina. If you are interested, please sign up on the sports noticeboard. You must also obtain a parental permission form, available on the window ledge across from the sports noticeboard.

Please find attached a PAR Q questionnaire (Physical Activity Readiness ) for anyone interested in participating. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please consult with your doctor before you begin the programme. If any of symptoms occur while participating, you must cease immediately and seek medical help.

We will use a Couch to 5K app (C25k) to keep track of progress. You can complete parts of the programme in your own time. 

The programme will take place on school grounds. Pupils are to wear their own sports gear so their PE tracksuits will still be available for PE classes. Please note, your clothes and footwear may get muddy on occasions.