Maryfield College

Trisha Fernandes wins best speaker award

Maryfield is proud to announce that on Saturday 22nd March TRISHA FERNANDES won THE INDIVIDUAL BEST SPEAKER TROPHY

in the FINAL of the Federation of University of Women’s under 15’s Girls Public Speaking Competition

The venue was the Ardilaun Hotel Galway, it was hosted by UCG and supported by Arther Cox Accountancy firm.

Each of the finalists had participated earlier this year in their regional universities which included Queens University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and University college Galway.

Trisha Fernandes ‘speech was outstanding and captivated the whole audience. What is unique about this competition is that although each student has a choice of two topics they are unaware of what aspect of the topic to speak about until 30 minutes before the start of the competition.

Trisha’s chosen topic was ‘Citizenship in the 21st Century’ Her unseen aspect for her impromptu speech was ‘IS IRELAND A PLACE OF A THOUSAND WELCOMES OR IS THAT A THING OF THE PAST’

Trisha, glowing in her Maryfield uniform eloquently spoke out and moved the audience with her beautifully articulated impromptu speech.

Ms Whyte would like to thank Ms Coleman and Ms McLoughlin who allowed Trisha time out from their classes last week to go through final preparations for Galway.

Trisha has sacrificed many lunch hours along with her supporting peers Ava Carberry and Abbie Burwell to prepare for the competition.

Ms Whyte would also like to thank Ms Collins for her assistance in judgement of prepared speeches for entering a team event in February and who very kindly offered to go to Galway to support Ms Whyte, Trisha and Maryfield college.

Thank you all for your good luck wishes

Congratulations once again to Trisha Fernandes-A very worthy winner. Brilliant.


Gaeilge- Céilí, biongó agus doras na scoile maisithe do Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Bhí céilí ag an Dara Bliain sa halla ar maidin. Bhí an-chraic go deo acu!

Bhí biongó trí Ghaeilge againn ag am lóin Déardaoin.

Fuaireamar cuireadh chuig céilí in Ardscoil Rís an Chéadaoin seo caite. Sheinn an grúpa traidisiúnta ó Coláiste Pháirc Mhuire agus rinne beirt bhuachaillí ó Ardscoil Rís píosa ceoil freisin. Bhí spórt agus spraoi againn go léir ag damhsa agus ag caint is ag comhrá.

Tá doras na scoile maisithe do Lá Fhéile Pádraig.

U14 Badminton Team Crowned Leinster Champions!

Maryfield were once again crowned queens of Leinster, beating Sacred Heart, Tullamore 6-0 in the final. Congratulations to Roshni Ravi, Christiana Siju, Sandra Siju and Marilyn Rajesh! That is our fifth badminton trophy this year and our third Leinster title in 12 months.

Disco Bingo Fundraiser

Join us at the Goose Tavern on Wednesday the 2nd of April, expect a night full of groovy tunes, exciting bingo games, and amazing prizes! Dress in your best disco outfit, bring your bingo skills, and get ready to have a blast while supporting a fantastic cause.

How you can support –

This event is organised by Maryfield College Parents’ Association, get in touch with us at

Le Chéile Day

Le Chéile Day

On 6th March Maryfield College celebrated Le Chéile Day. Le Chéile are the trustees of our school. The theme for our celebration this year was spreading kindness.


Students were welcomed to school with a kindness charm and a quote to encourage them to spread kindness. Lots of students wore red accessories with their uniform to show their commitment to spreading kindness in our school community. Students carried out random acts of kindness throughout the day and there were spot prizes for the completion of kindness challenges. Year heads awarded certificates to students who demonstrated their commitment to Le Chéile values.


Thank you to all the students who volunteered and participated so fully in Le Chéile Day.


Bí Cinealta.

Óga Ióga

Cuireadh Óga Ióga ar siúl ag am lóin Dé Luain seo caite. Bhaineamar go léir an-sult as!

Féile na bhFéideathachtaí

Ghlac ár scoláirí páirt i bhFéile na bhFéideathachtaí i Halla na Cathrach ar an 4 Márta. Roinn siad a gcuid smaointe le scoláirí ó scoileanna eile agus phléigh siad na féidearthachtaí atá ann don Ghaeilge i mBaile Átha Cliath sa todhchaí.

Active School Flag Yoga

The Active School Flag class, along with the Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing partnership invited yoga instructor, Cathy to teach a class to our pupils and teachers. Thanks, Cathy and well done to the participants.

Fifth Year Retreats

Fifth years have been participating in retreats in the beautiful Ruah retreat centre in Drumcondra. It is a day of discussion, prayer and reflection. Students enjoyed a relaxing day with each other and took advantage of the break from their busy school life.

Double Dublin U14 Badminton Champions!

It turned out to be a smashing day for our u14 badminton teams at the Dublin championships! Our A team beat Loreto, Bray 6-0 and our B team beat St Raphaela’s by the same scoreline. Well done, everyone!

5th Year Music Class Visit Grangegorman

The 5th year Music class had the pleasure of visiting TU Dublin in Grangegorman last Friday 28th of February to attend a workshop on one of their set works ‘Seachanges’ by Raymond Deane. The girls enjoyed the performance and workshop very much. They even got to meet the composer. Many thanks to TU Dublin for having us.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Poster Exhibition

The Embassy of Japan is currently holding a poster exhibition about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the assembly hall for one week. The posters are the property of the Japanese government and are on loan to the Japanese embassy in Ireland for exhibition in schools and colleges during the 80th commemorative year.

Maryfield Pupils Competing at the U15 Public Speaking Competition at UCD

The Irish Federation of University Women held a Public Speaking Competition for girls under fifteen years of age on Saturday 15th at UCD

Maryfield College can be proud of the excellent delivery of speeches from

Cheryl Fernando 2S

Trisha Fernandes 2K

Eve Carberry 2K


Congratulations goes to Trisha Fernandez 2K who received “The Best Speaker “ award for her 3 minute impromptu speech on” Citizenship in the 21st Century”. Trisha is now through to the final which which will be held in Galway on the 22nd of March.

Praise also goes to Cheryl Fernando 2S and Eve Carbury 2K who each received a certificate for their eloquent and well-articulated speeches.

Special thanks to the team’s dedicated supporters and substitutes

Ellie Drummond 1S

Aoife Carrick 2K

Isobel Jose 2K

Ann Maria Shajeeve 2R

Maryln Rajeesh 2L

Abigail Burwell 2K


Their dedicated support at all the lunchtime practices and at this prestigious event made it all worthwhile.

Congratulations girls and Best wishes to Trisha Fernandez on the 22nd of March.


Ms Whyte



Basketball Success

It has been a very successful week for our basketball teams. Our first years beat Mt Temple, Clonturk ET and Portmarnock. Meanwhile, our second years beat Clonturk ET and Portmarnock. Well done everyone!

U19 Badminton Team Crowned Leinster Champions!

All hail the Leinster champions! A huge congratulations to our u19 badminton team who were crowned provincial queens on Thursday after beating Colaiste Abhainn (Kilkenny) and Scoil Chonglais (Wicklow). Both matches ended 4-2. Well done Michelle, Hannah, Mishalini, Rayna and Cheryl!


TY Active School Flag Group Meets Dublin County Council

Our TY Active School Flag team welcomed Jonathan Tormey, Local Sports Partnership rep from Dublin County Council today. They discussed participation in physical activity in Maryfield, along with programmes and methods aimed at getting our pupils more active.

Junior Pupils Enjoy Perfect Week of Sport

Our junior pupils enjoyed a perfect week of sport. Our u14A badminton team won all 3 of their matches, our u14B team also triumphed. Not to be outdone, our 1st and 2nd year basketball teams both beat GC Reachrainn today. Well done, everyone!

U19 Badminton Team Crowned Dublin Champions

Congratulations to the u19 badminton team who were crowned Dublin champions   Well done to Michelle Shocan, Hannah Shocan, Mishalini Gopi, Rayna Jose and Cheryl Nakka. They will contest the Leinster championships next.

First Year PTM Postponed

Due to ongoing weather warnings issued by Met Eireann the 1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting scheduled for tomorrow the 9th of January has been cancelled and rescheduled for Thursday 23rd of January.

Prefects’ Karaoke

The prefects and Ms Farrelly had great fun on Wednesday with all the Junior students at the Christmas Karaoke held in the assembly hall. Everyone was in great spirits.

Nollaig 2024

Roghnaíodh Coláiste Pháirc Mhuire chun páirt a ghlacadh sa ‘Ghaelbhratach’ i mbliana. Tá an scéim seo eagraithe ag Gael Linn chun deis a thabhairt do scoláirí an Ghaeilge a úsáid i suíomh nádúrtha, taobh amuigh den seomra ranga. Caithfimid imeachtaí éagsúla a dhéanamh agus ag deireadh na bliana táimid ag súil le brat a fháil don Ghaeilge don scoil.  Go dtí seo bhí comórtas ealaíne, bricfeasta trí Ghaeilge, céilí mór agus biongó againn. Roghnaíomar an mana ‘Dílis don Teanga, Dílis don Ghaeilge’ chun ár naisling don Ghaeilge a chur in iúl. Tá Balla Gaeilge álainn againn agus cuirimid foclóir nua air gach séasúr. Bígí ag faire amach do na himeachtaí a bheidh againn tar éis na Nollag!

TY Christmas Cookery

Here are some photos of the TY Christmas Cookery session that took place this week.  The students developed new cookery skills and produced fabulous Yule Logs.  Well done to all TY students.

Maryfield College Careers’ Day 2024 

A massive thank you to everyone who joined us—students, professionals, colleges, universities, and further educational bodies—for making this year’s Careers Day a huge success!  Special thanks to Ms Finola Ryan and the Parents Association who organised the event.

Maryfield Awarded Green Flag For Transport

We are pleased to announce the award of green flag for transportation 23-24
In 2024, the Green Schools Achievement program recognized outstanding efforts in sustainability and environmental awareness , culminating in the prestigious Transport Flag Award.
This award highlights  that we have successfully implemented eco-friendly transportation initiatives, such as promoting walking, cycling, and the use of public transportation among students and staff. By fostering a culture of sustainability, our  school not only reduced our carbon footprint but also encourage healthy habits within our community.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and students of Maryfield for their support and effort involved in achieving our third green flag award
Ms Coleman

Active School Event- Wretched Walkway

The Active School Flag team organised a Wretched Walkway today. Class groups were brought around the school for some scares, riddles and Halloween themed exercises! A great time was had by all.

Student Council- First Year Elections

The Student Council recently held elections for 1st Year students to join the Council. Well done to all the students who took part and congratulations to our newest members of the Student Council – Rabia Tanhan in 1K and Patrizia Cimpoesu in 1S.

Senior School Prefects Commissioned

The Senior School Prefects were commissioned yesterday during the opening of the Year School Mass. We wish them every success in all their endeavours this year. Ms Farrelly

Opening of School Year Mass

On Tuesday 9th October we gathered as a school community to celebrate the opening of school year mass in St. Vincent De Paul Church, Marino. Fr. Tom celebrated the mass with us.

During the mass we reflected on the principles of Kintsugi-the ancient Japanese art of repair. We welcomed our new first years, acknowledged the commitment of our sixth year prefects and the work of the five students that participated in the Dublin Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Thank you to all our wonderful readers, singers and instrumentalists who enhanced the Liturgy.

U16 and U19 Basketball Teams Record Victories

It has been a good start to the year for two of our basketball teams. Our U16 team beat Portmarnock CS by 11 points while the U19 team recorded a 47 point victory over Santa Sabina. Well done, everyone!


Relays Takeover Day

Today was Relays Takeover Day! This whole-school event was a runaway success and a great time was had by all. Well done to the Active School Flag team for organising.

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024

LOURDES  (Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024)



I’ll never forget the day I volunteered to assist a group of sick pilgrims on their journey from Dublin to Lourdes. As a lifelong Catholic, I had always been drawn to the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage site, but nothing could have prepared me for the profound impact this experience would have on my life.

Our journey began at around 2 pm and we hit the ground running. Emily, Isabelle, Millie, Rocha and Cliona. The excitement was palpable as we gathered around Ms. Seery, who was all set to guide us through this special pilgrimage to Lourdes. There were people of all ages and backgrounds, each with their own unique story of illness and suffering. Some were confined to wheelchairs, while others required constant assistance. Despite their physical challenges, their spirits were filled with a remarkable resilience and faith. This was so inspiring.

As we helped the pilgrims board the plane, I was struck by their courage and determination. Many faced long hours of travel, often enduring discomfort and pain. Yet, their faces were filled with a sense of hope and anticipation, as they looked forward to the healing waters of Lourdes. Many had travelled before and were just dying to get back over there.

Before getting on the plane, I had the privilege of spending time with several of the pilgrims. I listened to their stories, learned about their lives, and shared my own experiences. Some spoke of their struggles with chronic illnesses, while others recounted their personal journeys of faith. I was in awe of their openness and the strength they found in their beliefs. They all told me I was in for an amazing next few days and they were dead right.

One memory stands out. I was wheeling an old lady onto the plane and her name was Bernie. She used to be the principal of a secondary school but is now in a nursing home. She had such a fire in her heart, and she was consumed by my words when I spoke. She gave such attention and comfort to me when I spoke. I met her multiple times over in Lourdes and each time filled me with joy. We really connected and I feel so privileged to have met her along with many other special pilgrims.

Throughout the journey, I was constantly reminded of the power of compassion and the importance of human connection. The pilgrims’ resilience and faith were a source of inspiration, and their stories touched my heart in ways I never expected.

As we arrived in Lourdes, I felt a sense of peace and tranquillity. The special atmosphere is indescribable. My favourite moment was the torchlight procession as it’s somewhat magical. As everyone walks around with their candle it creates a blanket of light and support amongst us all.

My experience helping these pilgrims to Lourdes was a transformative one. It taught me the values of compassion, empathy, and human connection. It reminded me of the power of faith and the importance of supporting those in need. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of their journey, and I will carry the memories of their courage and resilience with me forever. I look forward to returning to Lourdes someday.


Our arrival at Lourdes airport on Thursday night had brought a little stumble to the perfect unfolding of things so far. We were waiting at the carousel for our luggage, but unfortunately Isabelle’s case did not arrive. After a brief panic, we all rallied into the bus and helped Isabelle to remain calm and gave her what she needed. Ms. Seery managed to get practically everything that Isabelle needed. It was moments like this that truly highlight the bond of friendship and how well this team was able to support one another. It was late when we arrived at our hotel, which was very welcoming and had prepared food for us. We checked into our rooms, and we were happy to be there, and we looked forward to the next day.

Friday morning began with a gentle wakeup call at 6.30am, followed by breakfast at 7am, where there was lots of laughter as we fuelled up for the busy day ahead. Fr. Paul, the school’s chaplain led us in morning prayer, reminding us of our mission as “BLUESHIRTS” to serve with kindness. We then moved to the Acceuil (The Hospital- where the Sick pilgrims stay), and we began our training on reception duty. This duty involved helping our VIPS (Sick pilgrims) move from their wheelchairs to the very distinctive Blue Voitures that are familiar part of Lourdes. It was heart-warming to assist them, and we then accompanied them to the Grotto to join the entire Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage for Mass at the Grotto, where the atmosphere was serene and filled with hope. After Mass there was a group photo for all the pilgrims taken at the front of the Basilica.

Before lunchtime we helped return all the sick pilgrims to the Acceuil and we went for lunch in our hotel. Mealtimes were a welcome opportunity for us as a group to check in with each other and see how we were doing, we also shared our experiences and reflections.

In the afternoon we went to the Holy Baths and participated in the “Water Gesture” where pilgrims wash their face, their hands and drink the holy Lourdes water, just as Our Lady had asked Bernadette to do. This was a beautiful experience.

That afternoon we carried out the second of our “Duties” which was Hotel Support. This involves going to several of the hotels and picking up any pilgrims who need assistance to get to the ceremonies in the Domain at Lourdes. As we navigated our way around the streets of Lourdes pushing wheelchairs with pilgrims, we had many lovely conversations with them.

At 5pm, we gathered in the underground Basilica for a procession of the Blessed Sacrament.

We returned our pilgrims to their hotels, and we made our way to our hotel for dinner.

Every night finishes with prayer and reflection led by the different schools from among the Blueshirts. Fr. Paul refers to this as “PRAIRIE”. The schools are given a different theme each night and asked to lead their peers in a meaningful prayer experience. Maryfield led the Blueshirts with a theme of “To Help and Serve”. As part of this we all sang a song, “Hands” by Jewel, and Rocha accompanied us on the guitar.

That night we all took part in a fun table quiz making up many teams and mixing all the schools. It was a lot of fun, and Emily was on the winning team, after a tense tie breaker had taken place. This was a great fun way to unwind and mix with all the Blueshirts from the various schools. We headed home to our hotel to get some sleep before the next day of service would begin.



After breakfast we began our morning with Fr Paul and the other schools at morning prayer. After this we went down to our reception duty at the acai for 9am. Our reception duty was one of our favourite highlights of this trip, we all felt great reward helping down at the acai.

At 10am we all met Ms Seery and went down to St. Bernadette’s church for penitential service which was a beautiful ceremony. After lunch we joined the red shirts in hotel support duty. Hotel support was a wonderful way for us to communicate and talk with the pilgrims staying in the nearby hotels. During hotel support we brought the pilgrims to the anointing of the sick mass which was an amazing experience we shared with everyone in the Dublin diocese. After mass we had teas on the lawn for all the pilgrims where we could get together and to just sit and talk with everyone there.

After dinner the Diocese had organised, a wellness talk for all the school groups in Lourdes which was very insightful and interesting. It was one of the many things I know that the girls and I really enjoyed. At 8:30pm we all headed to St. Bernadette’s cathedral to sing as a part of the folk group for the medal’s ceremony. This was a touching experience as we saw volunteers with 3 years’ service all the way to 25 years of service in the diocese actively volunteering in Lourdes. It was honestly an inspirational ceremony to be a part of.

At 10pm Ms Seery, the girls and I made our way to outside St. Bernadette’s cathedral for our daily prairie. Tonight’s theme was the Sacrament of Reconciliation. One of the school’s groups got everyone involved in a singsong of oasis’s ‘Don’t look back in anger’ which I think perfectly described the theme. It was an enjoyable moment where everyone was just together singing. It’s one, I will never forget.


SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8th: (Isabelle)

Our third day in Lourdes as volunteers was one that truly stood out, blending real enjoyment and a deep sense of fulfilment with moments of pure fun. The day began early, with a 7am wake-up call for breakfast. Despite the early start, the group was in good spirits as we gathered for morning prayer at 8:15am with Father Paul.
By 9am, we were already at reception, performing our duties of welcoming pilgrims and assisting them as needed. Though we had settled into the routine, this day was different – we left reception earlier than usual, around 10am, for something special: singing at the Youth Mass. Taking part in this mass as part of the folk group we had become involved in was a real joy. The experience of singing with and for the pilgrims felt uplifting, and the sense of togetherness during the mass made the whole moment feel even more meaningful.
The Youth Mass was a special time to celebrate us Blue Shirts in Lourdes, and the whole experience was one of joy.
After mass, we helped bring the pilgrims we were assisting back to the hospital before heading back to our hotel for a well-earned lunch at noon. The meal gave us a chance to refuel and share stories from the morning with each other, but we knew the best part of the day was yet to come.
At 2pm, we made our way to the “Solitude Hotel” for what would become one of the day’s highlights: a lively singsong with pilgrims and students from other schools. The room was filled with laughter, music, and a genuine sense of connection. Singing with others who were there to support the same cause was a heartwarming experience, and it was clear that both pilgrims and volunteers were thoroughly enjoying the moment.
Dinner at our hotel was at 7pm, and afterwards, from 8pm to 9pm, we supported the pilgrims once more as we brought them around the beautiful torchlight procession. This was a serene and moving experience, as the soft glow of the candles illuminated the path, and a deep sense of peace settled over us all. Guiding the pilgrims during this procession was a humbling and profound way to end the day.
After bringing the pilgrims back to their hotels, we gathered for a final prairie with Father Paul, closing the day in reflection. The day’s balance of service and fun made the day a truly unforgettable one, filled with moments we will carry with us long after we leave Lourdes.

We woke up bright and early at half six to be down for breakfast at 7am. All the Blueshirts had to be at the Sanctuary of Our Lady for 7.45am for a group photo. Once that was taken, we did morning prayer on the steps too. When that was over, we headed to the Accueil for our morning duty at reception. This was our last morning of reception, so we really tried to enjoy it and have a bit of fun in between helping the pilgrims with the other Blueshirts and some of the White Shirts too! The stations of the cross were on for the pilgrims that morning which was presented outside the Accueil. This started at around 11am and was very handy for us as it meant we did not have to wheel them far. After that we headed back to our hotel as lunch was a little earlier than usual because of our busy afternoon. At 2.30pm we all headed back over to St Bernadettes church as this was our time to do Liturgy duties during mass. Some of us were on collection and some were on drapes, (carrying them in a procession to the main altar). Both were very simple, so we picked up what we had to do quickly. The farewell mass started at 3.30pm and finished at about 5pm. As soon as that was over, we promptly were given a pilgrim each to bring to the grotto for the passage through the grotto. After that we brought our pilgrims back to their hotels as hotel support was our afternoon duty. Dinner was at 7pm. After dinner we quickly made our way back to the Accueil as there was a farewell party on the fifth floor. This was for pilgrims, Blueshirts and White Shirts. We all loved this as the mood was so positive! One lady almost had everyone in tears at one point as she told her story of coming to Lourdes and by happy accident got sitting beside her best friend from primary school who she has not seen or heard of since they were little, this was so special. At half nine we had prairie back over by St Bernadettes church. The last night of Prairie was so lovely as we all agreed the schools that night really captured the theme of light in their presentations, and we even got glowsticks!! Our final grotto visit was at ten. On our way over we had a private group chat with Ms Seery which was so lovely. Then we light our own special candles, our big school candle and the four candles for the four girls that volunteered last year. We all found this emotional as this marked coming to the end of our pilgrimage in Lourdes and none of us wanted to leave as it is such a special and magical place. Words genuinely cannot describe it and the feeling you get when you are there! We all headed back to the hotel to pack our bags and fall into bed after our very exciting day!

Our time in Lourdes came to an end, we experienced so much including floods and lost luggage (30 cases overall had gone missing!). We worked hard to serve the pilgrims and to represent Maryfield College. Our school motto “In Fide Stabilis” was evident constantly throughout the pilgrimage. We prayed for all who connected with our school, and we take this opportunity to thank all those who supported our fundraising efforts during the moths before we travelled. It is our hope that we will return and serve again in Lourdes. Until then, we will carry Our Lady, St. Bernadette and all the pilgrims in our heart.

Thank You.

Active School Flag Cluster Day

Our TY Active School Flag enjoyed an ASF cluster day today. They met like-minded sports fans and built up networks of practice, all while exercising their student voice. Thanks to ASF and Colaiste Bride for hosting!

Relays Takeover Day Friday 27th

This Friday is Relays Takeover Day. The Active School Flag class is organising competitive yet fun events to celebrate the recent success of Irish relay teams. It is also part of European Week of Sport.

Maryfield Perform at Marino 100

Maryfield were delighted to perform at the launch of ‘Marino 100′ last weekend. They sang the Waterboys’ ‘The Whole of the Moon’ and performed ‘The Marino Waltz’. They were fantastic!

TY Trip To Iceland

Places Visited:

Skogafoss & Seljalandsfoss (Fluvial Systems), Reynishverfi, Dyrolaey coast (Coastal Systems), Sólheimajökull (Glaciation)
The Golden Circle: Hveragerdi (Geothermal Power), Gullfoss (Fluvial Systems) Geysir Center, Thingvellir (Tectonics)
we also visited the city of Reykjavik and the secret lagoon similar to the blue lagoon

Sports Day- Fun in the Sun!

Today was sports day! Ms Farrelly and the prefects organised a whole-school, competitive and fun series of events, enjoyed by all in the glorious sunshine. Well done to everyone involved!

Pizza Lunch For Sports Stars

Our medal-winning sports stars were treated to a delicious pizza lunch today to celebrate their achievements. Delicious!

Sixth Year Art Group Visit Olivier Cornet Gallery

The sixth year art group visited the Olivier Cornet Gallery on Denmark for a look at the fascinating exhibition ‘What do we want’  with art based on the current global climate and political situation. Students got a very good talk and sat to sat sketch the work.


4th Year Law Ed.: Visit by a Practising Barrister

4th Year Law Ed.: Visit by a Practising Barrister

A barrister and a past pupil of Maryfield College came to talk to us about a career in law. Asma  explained to us  the path she took to becoming  a qualified barrister.

She explained  clearly the difference between a barrister and a solicitor. She told us about the different levels of courts and the qualifications and experience to practice there.

As a junior barrister she was working in the district court. She specialised in the criminal  court.

She told us about the difference between a junior and senior council and the distinction made between the robes worn in court. Silks were senior barristers with vast experience and knowledge . They worked in the higher courts such as the circuit and high court .

Asma explained how she did her primary degree in law and then went to study in Kings Inn for two years . During that time she followed a practising barrister in the courts gaining valuable knowledge and experience. This process is known as “devilling” .

When she was  finished her final exams she is known as  a junior council. She will spend at least ten years as a junior council until she moves up to practice in the higher courts .

We found listening to Asma very interesting and we were given the opportunity to ask questions . We loved to hear about the types of cases she dealt with  and she had her robe on to show us the type of clothing she wore. It was a brilliant opportunity to hear first hand the life of a barrister in law.

4th Year Law Ed. Students





Teachers Beat 6th Years At Rounders Yet Again!

In a long and honoured tradition, the 6th years take on the teachers in a rounders challenge match. This year, our 6th years put in excellent individual and team performances but still came up short. Well done but hard luck everyone!


A Walking Tour of Dublin Churches

On April 22nd, 4K and 4R accompanied by Ms.Seery and Ms.McAuley took part in a Walking Tour of Dublin Churches . The group departed from Maryfield early that morning and visited the following churches:
St.Francis Xavier’s, Gardiner Street.
St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral
St. Teresa’s, Clarendon Street.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Whitefriars, Aungier St.
St. Audeon’s, High Street.
St. Michan’s, Church Street.
St.Michan’s Halton Street.
St. Saviour’s Dominick Street.

The history of Dublin is in the bricks of its churches. Churches are very much part of the fabric of the city and testify to it’s rich spiritual and architectural heritage. These famous Churches are landmarks for the city and hold a special place in the hearts of many Dubliners and tourists. The stories through the centuries connected with these churches tell us about invasion, repression, persecution and above all how the faith has both survived and thrived.
These churches tell the story of how Dublin is a place of welcome for immigrant communities e.g. St.Saviour’s / Spanish Community and St.Audeon’s/ Polish Community.
These churches continue to celebrate key moments in the lives of their parishioners- baptism, communion, marriage, funerals etc.
These churches offer a place of prayer ,refuge and comfort for those in need. They provide many outreach programmes and activities serving the local,national, and international community.
These churches are places of interest, places of worship, places of music , art and architecture.
During our walking tour, we stopped at Christ Church Cathedral to pause at the famous sculpture of the “Homeless Jesus”, and we enjoyed a tasty lunch from Burdock’s, the oldest chipper in Dublin.
We also visited the relics of St.Valentine, and paused many times to light candles at shrines, and remember our intentions through prayer.
The day was a lovely experience for our well-being, as we walked, talked, and spent time together as we journeyed. We had a little time out from the normal routine of our day.

2L’s Pilgrimage to Glendalough

Class 2L’s pilgrimage to Glendalough .
The class had a lovely day travelling to Glendalough and learning all about this ancient sacred place of pilgrimage. We were blessed with good company, good food and good weather. A great experience was had by all.

U14 Camogie Team Crowned Dublin Champions!

Congratulations to the u14 camogie team who were crowned Dublin champions today! It was a tough match against St Colmcilles’s in blistering heat but our girls triumphed by 1 point, scored right at the death! Well done, girls!

Second Year Trip To Glendalough

Second Year Pilgrimage to Glendalough. Students experienced a time of peace, prayer and reflection while walking in St. Kevin’s footsteps. They learned about Monastic Life and appreciated the beauty of the tranquil surroundings.

Green Schools’ Sustainable Travel Theme

Photos of 3rd year work for Green Schools’ sustainable travel theme . The three girls  did powerful work. Isabella Kessie Kehoe , Heidi mcHale and Taniya Justin.

-Ms Coleman

Active School Week- Day 4

It’s day 4 of Active School Week! Our 5th years enjoyed a rounders tournament as part of the fun and games.

First Year Trip To the Zoo

Our first years have gone to the zoo. They are enjoying themselves, learning about conservation projects as they walk around admiring all the animals.

East Leinster Athletics Success for Maryfield

Team Maryfield contested the East Leinster athletics championships today and last Monday. A special mention to Ines Jauny and Ariana Silvestre who won a bronze medal each in the 100m and long jump respectively.

Day 2 of Active School Week

It’s day 2 of Active School Week! We have healthy lunches planned, a rounders tournament and here are some photos of pupils engaging in Drop Everything and Move!

The second years enjoyed a benchball tournament at lunchtime and the third years had a delicious healthy lunch provided for them.

Active School Week- Day 1

Welcome to Active School Week! Our ty Active School team welcomed everyone at the door as our launch event. Next, pupils were treated to a talk on healthy living and they did a Drop Everything and Move in class. They were brought around the Wellbeing Walkway also. Then our first years enjoyed a rounders tournament at lunchtime.

Recent Green Schools Activities

1. collection of wood for bug hotel committee
3.cardboard sustainable city three pictures
4. bug hotel and fairy garden
5.student bike week
6. student library display

Spring Clean 2024

On Saturday the 20th of April, the Parents’ Association took part in an Taisce’s National Spring Clean. This year we were very lucky with the weather and a great group of volunteers came together to help on the day.

We would like to thank –

  • All the volunteers, both parents and students.
  • The Principal, Dr O’Rourke, Alan and John the school caretakers for all their help on the day.
  • The bakers who treated us to some homemade scone and cakes.
  • An Taisce and Dublin City Council.

Some of the jobs that were carried out –

  • Painting of benches in Courtyards.
  • Painting of handrails, entrance gates and sports hall door.
  • Weeding, raking, and planting of flower beds in front of school.
  • Litter picking of school grounds.



First Year Basketball Team Competes in All Ireland Championships

Well done to the first year basketball team who competed in the All Ireland championships. They are the first group from the school to represent Dublin and they played with passion and courage. Well done to everyone involved, including pupil coaching team Ciara, Sophia and Joyce.

Le Cheile Student Symposium in Knock

Le Cheile Student Symposium in Knock

Ten students went to the Le Chéile student symposium during the week. They left Dublin early in the morning and enjoyed the long bus journey to Knock, Co. Mayo. On arrival students were welcomed by the Le Chéile team and then got to participate in various faith based workshops.

After lunch students gathered in the Basillica for Mass and another workshop with Jim Deeds. His presentation “finding God in the mess” encouraged students to seek out faith in their own lives.

All students are to be commended for their respectful participation throughout the day, you are a credit to your school community. “The trip to Knock was a great experience. It was lovely to meet new people and to hear about the stories and history of Knock.”

“We went to Knock and had a memorable experience. We got to visit the Basilica, the museum and wander the beautiful grounds.”

Active Schools Flag Team Create Wellbeing Walkway

Our TY Active School Flag classes are proud to announce that we have created a Wellbeing Walkway! This is a signposted route around the school designed to encourage exercise, mindfulness and learning on the move.

Cleachtadh A Dhéanann Máistreacht

Daltaí na 6ú bliana inniu ag an gCiorcal Cainte, ag cur snasa ar a gcuid Gaeilge. Guímid gach rath oraibh sna Scrúduithe Cainte- Ádh Mór oraibh agus Beirigí Bua.

First Year Basketball Team Qualify For All Ireland Championships!

A huge congratulations to the first year A basketball team. They bounced back after yesterday’s disappointment in the final to beat King’s Hospital 24-12. This qualifies them to represent Dublin in the All-Ireland championships, the first time Maryfield has gotten that far. Well done girls!

Maryfield Meerkats Finish 3rd In All Ireland Championships!

Well done to the u14 badminton team who did so well at the All Ireland championships today, coming third behind Ulster and Munster. They won four of their matches and had a great time! Go Meerkats! Well done and thank you to Trisha Fernandes from 1K for making the banner!


First Year Basketball Team Through To Final!

A huge congratulations to the first year A basketball team who beat Le Chéile SS by 11 points in the Dublin semi-final. They will face Alexandra College on Tuesday in Oblate Hall. Well done, everyone!

Emmanuel 2024

Fourth year students took part in the annual Emmanuel concert in the Helix on Wednesday. Emmanuel is a celebration of liturgical music and it is organised by the Archdiocese of Dublin. Schools all over Dublin take part in the Emmanuel concert.
The fourth years represented Maryfield well by singing their hearts out and getting involved in all the activities. It was a spiritual day where students got a chance to pray, reflect and sing. Two students sang beautiful solo pieces and shone on the main stage.


4K YSI Project, Tir Ghra Campaign

 Yesterday 4K organised an Irish Dancing  display at lunchtime. Students were invited to come along and share in Irish culture. 4K painted faces and handed out treats as part of the fun! 

Thank you to all the talented dancers who took part in our celebration of Irish Culture.

video 1

video 2

Fifth Year Retreats

Fifth year retreats Last week fifth year students took part in class retreats in the beautiful Ruah Retreat Centre. It was a day of prayer, reflection and discussion. It is important to take time out of every day busy lives to rest and reflect.

Maryfield Crowned U14 Leinster Badminton Champions!

Congratulations to our two U14 badminton teams who contested the Leinster badminton championships! The A team triumphed and our B team proved gallant runners-up. The A team will represent Leinster on the 20th of March.

YSI Speak Out Tour

Fourth year students have had a very busy week which included four performances of their musical! The week began with all fourth years taking part in the Young Social Innovators (YSI) speak out in the Mansion House, Dawson Street.

Each of the four YSI teams had to present their YSI action project on stage in front of hundreds of other students. The students represented their school with enthusiasm, energy and an awareness of social justice.

Maryfield’s YSI guides were incredibly proud of all the students and their commitment to effecting positive change in the world. Well done everybody. Shout out to our dance representatives who performed a snippet of the musical ‘Legally Blonde’ to win the dance battle! 

video 1 video 2 video 3 video 4

Le Chéile Day 2024

Celebrating Le Chéile Day and the Gift of Gratitude in Maryfield. Le Chéile Crew welcoming everyone to school this morning with a sweet treat and a gratitude card.

Our Le Chéile Day celebration continued with face painting, treats for staff at break time, appreciation certifications given to students who show commitment to Le Chéile values and gratitude activities and prizes given to classes throughout the afternoon. Thank you to our whole school community for taking part in our celebration of Le Chéile Day in Maryfield. A special mention of thanks to the “Le Chéile Crew” and Sheila.

2R Crowned Maryfield’s Fittest Second Years!

It was the second years’ turn to compete in the Maryfield’s Fittest Class competition and 2R emerged triumphant by one point over rivals 2K and 2L. Well done to all who participated and the girls in 4S who organised it.

Performing Arts trip to London

Maryfield College pupils are just back from a Performing Arts trip to London where they visited Pineapple Dance Studios where they enjoyed a Matilda dance workshop. They did a Queen walking tour, saw Matilda the musical and enjoyed London by night tour.

Emmanuel Concert- 13th of March

Our fourth Years are representing Maryfield by participating in the Emmanuel Concert in the Helix on Wednesday 13th March. Tickets are available here


Maryfield’s Fittest Class- First Year Results

The results are in after three days of Maryfield’s Fittest Class; 1S and 1R came in joint first place. There was a huge level of participation and support so congratulations to all involved. Well done and thank you to the 4S Active Schools Flag class for organising.


Safer Internet Day 2024

Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people.

It is promoted in Ireland by Oide Technology in Education and Webwise.

Safer Internet Day 2024 will take place on Tuesday, 6th February 2024 with the theme “Tech in our World”.


Our girls have been hard at work creating projects to promote Safer Internet Day. Please check back regularly to see what they have created.

Click here to see some of their work.


Jigsaw Webinar on Friendships and Mental Health

We are delighted to inform you that Jigsaw is hosting a webinar on the topic of Friendships and Mental Health. It is for parents and teachers and will happen on February 6th at 7.30-8.30.


In this webinar parents and guardians will:


  • Consider the impact friendships can have on their child’s mental health ​
  • Explore ways in which they can support their child to build positive friendships 
  • Learn supportive strategies to navigate conversations about friendships with their child


Sign up and registration is through the OGS Learnupon portal and the link is in the poster


How to register:

1). Go to One Good School Learnupon 

sign up and log in.

2) You will be asked to select your school from a drop-down range of options. When you have selected your school and the “parent” option, you will have access to the course. You can get started by selecting the down arrow to the right of the dashboard button, then selecting Catalog- you will then see the available course on the Courses tab.

Friendships and Mental Health Webinar for Parents and Guardians

First Years Visit BT Young Scientist Exhibition

Ms. Keating arranged a trip to the 60th BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition in the RDS for all 1st years.  Students should be praised for their excellent behaviour and a really enjoyable day was had by all.  Thanks to the teachers who attended.

4K Care Pack Gifts For Shrewsbury House

4K  delivering Care-pack gifts to residents of Shrewsbury House, Drumcondra for Christmas on Tuesday 20th December. We had a wonderful afternoon singing Christmas Carols and songs.
Ms.Seery and Ms.Cooney

Active Schools Flag Basketball Blitz

Our 4K Active Schools Flag team organised a basketball blitz today. This inclusive and fun event was well run and a great time was had by all.

Amnesty Ireland Bakesale

We had the best time at our Bake Sale for Amnesty Ireland to celebrate Human Rights Day. Thanks to all the wonderful students who baked delicious treats for the day!

TY Active Schools Flag Team Presents to Senior Management

Our ASF team made a presentation to senior management about the results of the whole-school questionnaire; topics included pupils’ levels of physical activity, active travel, barriers to exercise, suggestions for improvements and action planning. They did an excellent job and it was a very productive meeting. Well done, everyone!

Maryfield College Student Council taking part in ISSU Regional Council

Maryfield College Student Council taking part in ISSU Regional Council

Maryfield College Student Council members discussing how young people can get involved in activism and increasing student voice as they represented Maryfield College at the Irish Second Level Students Union Regional Council Meeting

Parent Association’s AGM, 27th September

The Parent Association’s AGM took place on the 27th September and was attended by several parents, committee members and school representatives. The AGM agenda included a welcome address from the principal Dr O’Rourke, SPHE parent presentation, welcome from Chairperson Claire Barkey, minutes from previous AGM, treasurer’s report and election of PA committee for 2023/2024. Our guest speaker at the AGM was Psychotherapist Helen Vaughan who gave a talk on Teen Anxiety and Stress. We are sharing Helen’s presentation and some great book recommendations.
Some photos and Helen’s presentation can be found below.

Irish Ambassador to Japan Visits Maryfield College

On Thursday 26th October, Irish Ambassador to Japan, Damien Cole along with Irish Peacekeeper Captain Eoin O’Brien from the Irish Defence Forces visited Maryfield  College.  They spoke to Politics and Society students, members of the student council and members of the global justice group about their important diplomatic and peacekeeping work abroad.  The students had an opportunity to ask questions and engage with Ambassador Cole and Captain O’Brien about the work of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the life of an Ambassador and a Peacekeeper as well as the importance of gender equality in representing Ireland abroad.  Ambassador Cole presented Dr. Maree O’Rourke with an UN Flag as a symbol of Ireland’s important work peacekeeping abroad and in recognition of the outstanding work done in Maryfield in global justice education.

Tears and Triumph For Our U19 Basketball Team

There has recently been a tap installed outside the PE hall but today saw a different type of waterworks in action. Our U19A basketball team beat Lusk C.C. in a close and hotly contested match. The team comprised mostly of sixth years and this was the their last ever match…. so there were hysterical tears and general blubbery at the final whistle! Well done and thank you to all our senior citizens, namely Sarah Preston, Louise Hennessey, Ava Cleary, Grace Cleary, Anita Sibi, Holly Graham, Emma Venables and Rebecca Maguire. Fifth year Alannah Kinsella and Holly McEvoy also played (but did not cry).

School Mass

Our opening of school year mass was celebrated on 11th October in St. Vincent de Paul church. Mass was celebrated by Father Tom Noone. The theme of our mass was taken from Pope Francis’ address to young people in Lisbonduring the summer, we are called to “be surfers of love.” We prayed for our school community and those marginalised throughout the world. We took part in a wonderful liturgy that encouraged us to be of service to the community around us in Maryfield College and beyond.

First Years Complete Online Safety Workshop

A 1st Year Internet and Online Safety Workshop was provided today by Zeeko.  The workshop covered cyberbullying, your digital footprint, inappropriate content online, online relationships and excessive internet use. A 1st year parent seminar follows this evening at 7 pm.


TY Japanese Class Learns Chopstick Etiquette

The TY Japanese class learned the etiquette for eating with chopsticks today. They then had bean eating competitions prior to the Japanese restaurant visit before midterm.


Table Tennis Takeover Day- We Smashed It!

Table Tennis Takeover! 

Report by Lily Nolan -4R


On Friday the 29th of September, the Transition Year students hosted an exciting whole-school table tennis takeover as part of the Active Schools Flag (ASF) scheme. The event took place in the cafeteria and went on for the whole day, taking each year group at different times. The objective of the event was for everyone to have fun and for everyone to be included. 

At the beginning of this school year, Maryfield College became a participant in the Active Schools Flag pilot scheme. The aim of the scheme is to “enable schools to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community”. Originally the scheme was only available to primary schools, but our school has been lucky enough to have the oppurtunity to take part in a new ASF process developed for post primary schools.  

The programme gives each student a voice and the ability to change things in their school community. It includes the whole school, challenging every student to find fun and inclusive ways to get everyone active with many different strategies. ASF depends on student leadership and student voices to promote physical activity. To actually achieve the Active School Flag is a three to five year process. Throughout each school year events will be held, such as the one on Friday, to get the students in school together and active. 

The first Active Schools Flag initiative that our school took part in was the Table Tennis Takeover. The Transition year students were the main organisers during the planning and execution of the event. Each of the four transition year class groups were assigned to a year group to be in charge of during their allocated time on Friday. They kept spirits high and told the students about the games that they would be playing, which included single matches, double matches, and round robin. 

In the end it was a lively day filled with enthusiasm from every student involved. We are looking forward to organising the next ASF event. 


Maryfield College took part in the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Another September, and once again

Four sixth year students – Holly Clarke, Ciara Gill, Grainne Murray, Rebecca Maguire along with Ms. Seery volunteered looking after the sick and elderly pilgrims.

Due to all their hard work and efforts, many pilgrims had a very memorable and meaningful experience at Lourdes. The Maryfield girls along with their peers “The Blueshirts” and all the other helpers involved in the pilgrimage worked above and beyond their duties, taking on extra duties due to flight delays etc.

The Maryfield girls were mainly involved in the duties of ward support and refectory. They were full of enthusiasm for every task they were involved in.  They showed great kindness and compassion to those in their care, and work well as the Lourdes Maryfield Team, within the great big team that is the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. On one evening the girls were stewarding at the Torch Light Procession which is a very beautiful act of prayer. They also sang in the Folk Group at Lourdes during the many liturgies and ceremonies that take place during the pilgrimage.

They also attended the medal ceremony, where Ms. Seery was awarded the silver medal for completing five years of service to the pilgrimage. Many volunteers are awarded each year by the Archbishop of Dublin for their various lengths of service to the pilgrimage.

On their last night in Lourdes, the Maryfield Team headed to the Grotto to light their special large pilgrim candle for all the intentions of the Maryfield Community and for anyone who asked for us to remember them in our prayers. The girls also lit four candles for last year’s volunteers and wished them every success in their new endeavours.

Lourdes is an amazing sacred place. We ask for the guidance of Our Lady and the courage of St. Bernadette to bless us all in this coming academic year ahead. May we take this opportunity to thank all those who supported us and help us to fundraise. We remembered you all in our prayers at the Grotto. This was a life-changing opportunity for our girls, one that they will remember forever.

Walk to School Competition- European Mobility Week

Irish secondary schools have been invited to take part in a Walk to School competition as part of European Mobility Week, which takes place from 16th to 22nd September.

Dublin City Council is partnering with An Taisce’s Green-Schools Travel Programme to encourage as many students, parents and staff to walk to school any day during European Mobility Week.

They are inviting schools across Dublin City to, where possible, walk some of part of their way to school if they can during this week, and to submit entries to their EMW Walk to School competition. Participating schools will be in with a chance to win a €200 voucher for PE gear or an opportunity to take part in a promotional video!

More information can be found here.

Do you walk to school or will you walk during European Mobility Week? How does it make you feel? What do you see on your journey? Who do you meet along the way? Do your friends join you on your walk or is it a solo adventure?

Secondary school students are invited to create a poster focused on the positive aspects of walking to school. This isn’t just a normal poster, we want you to get creative! Posters should display the most fun fact or that highlight the benefits of walking to school in the most imaginative way.

Green Schools have a number of Fun Facts on Walking that can be used as inspiration for your poster!

The school with the best poster will win!

Why participate?

  • Exploring your local area through this activity will help students develop a better understanding of their surrounding environment.
  • To provide an insight of student experiences on the way to school
  • Participating in this competition is the perfect way to gear up for the Green-Schools National Walk to School Week 2023 where schools all over Ireland will be celebrating walking to school with Green-Schools during National Walk to School Week from October 2nd to 6th.

How to Enter

To take part in the competition send in your school’s worksheets and / or posters by Friday 29th September.

Send a photo of each entry from your school to

Food Village- Your School Meals

We are delighted to be introducing a new school meals service with Food Village for 2023-2024.


Food Village will visit the school on Friday 8th September to ‘onboard’ all students and students are required to bring their mobile device with them to school that day. Full service will then commence on Wednesday 13th September.


In advance we request that all students have the Food Village app downloaded and their account registered prior to the onboarding day on the 8th of September.   Please use this link to view specific information relating to our school, the unique registration code and to view the menu.


New School App- Instructions

We are delighted today to launch our new school app.

Through the app we will keep our whole school community updated on school events, activities and students’ achievements throughout the year and events section will remind parents of important dates in the school calendar.

We continue to use VS Ware for all attendance information, school reporting and VS Ware Mail as our main method of communication with parents.

We hope that you find the app a useful way to stay connected to the school community this year.

The validation code has been sent through VS Ware Mail & text and student email.  

App Installation_Guide

App Downloads: Android App Download
IOS – IOS App Download Link

Ghaeilge i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire

An samhradh buailte linn agus bliain iontach eile don Ghaeilge i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire

Ghlac daltaí (thart ar 140 dalta )agus múinteoirí ó Choláiste Pháirc Mhuire páirt i nGaeilge 24 arís i mbliana ar an 15ú Samhain 2022 . Is dúshlán é Gaeilge 24 chun daltaí scoile a spreagadh chun labhairt as Gaeilge amháin ar feadh 24 uair an chloig. Tá an dúshlán á eagrú ag Conradh na Gaeilge agus deis iontach ba ea í do na daltaí a gcuid Gaeilge a feabhsú agus a chur chun cinn sa scoil. Bhí bricfeasta Gaelach againn ar maidin chun fuinneamh a thabhairt dúinn don lá fada lán le Gaeilge agus don dúshlán a bhí romhainn. Bhí an ceaintín dubh le daoine agus an Ghaeilge á labhairt ag gach duine le chéile. Ghlacamar páirt i dTráth na gCeist Beo ar Zoom. Bhí na mílte ar fud na tíre ag glacadh páirte chomh maith. Bhí céilí mór ar siúl san iarnóin agus bhain chuile dhuine spórt agus spraoi as! B’iontach an rud é teanga álainn na Gaeilge a chloisteáil ar fud na scoile ar feadh an lae.  Bronnadh teastas orthu siúd a ghlac páirt san fheachtas tábhachtach seo. Comhghairdeas leo go léir. Mar a deir an seanfhocal “Beatha teanga í a labhairt”.

1 An samhradh buailte linn agus bliain iontach eile don Ghaeilge i gColáiste Pháirc Mhuire[47]

Aviation Careers – ‘what happens beyond the clouds’

Maryfield College applied to join the Ryanair Role Models Roadshow, an inspiration day for female students who might think about a career with RyanairThis event was being held in Ryanair HQ in Dublin and will also be held in London, Spain and Italy.
7 of Maryfield College students were delighted to be chosen from 400 schools across the country.  At this wonderful Careers event the students were able to listen to presentations from Pilots, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Customer Services, Chief Risk Officer, Senior Engineer, Director of HR and a group of graduate entry staff.  All these positions are held by females, so it was particularly inspiring for our students.   The students really got a great insight into the various careers and advice on how to proceed in their career pathway.  A special thank you to 6th year student Roisin Boland who informed us about the application and wishing her great success as she pursues her flight training. 

Guidance Department.

6th Years vs Teachers Rounders Match- Teachers Win Yet Again!

Well done but ultimately, hard luck to the 6th year pupils who took the teachers on in a game of rounders today. They played well but were no match for their older but wiser adversaries.

It’s a time honoured tradition and the teachers are currently undefeated after nearly 80 years.

TY Graduation

Congratulations to our TY Class of 2023 and Ms Ryan, Ms Clancy, Ms Cooney, Ms O’Toole, Ms O’Mahoney and Ms McLoughlin for a wonderful end of year celebration. Thank you to all parents who attended the presentation this afternoon.

Rocket Takes Off In Our Polytunnel

Students from the Enterprise Club were out harvesting some salad at lunchtime to take home to eat. We have lots of organic rocket, spinach, lettuce and mixed oriental leaves growing nicely in our polytunnel.



East Leinster Success For Ines Jauny

Well done to Ines Jauny of 2K, who came second in the 100m and third in the long jump at the East Leinster athletics championships. She will represent Maryfield at the Leinster championships on the 17th of May.

Maryfield College wins an award in the National YSI competition for the third year in a row!

Maryfield College won the award for ‘Making our country more inclusive and poverty free’ in this years Young Social Innovators competition, following on similar success in 2021 and 2022!
 In class  4K discussed the issue of homophobia and realised that homophobic bullying begins at a very young age. They realised that books for children tend to start with traditional families of a mum, dad and two children. In order to introduce acceptance of  inclusive and diversity, they have written and illustrated a children’s book, called “I’ve Lost my Family, Can You Help Me?”

In this book Pedro the parrot gets lost and tries to find  his way home. He gets help along the way from all kinds of animals and families- a family with two lioness mums, a little hedgehog who’s is minding a baby bear, a rabbit family with mum and dad, and so on. The gorgeous illustrations by Ema T , add vibrant colour and light up the rhyming story aimed at younger children. well done to 4 K and Ms. McLoughlin!

Japanese Class Make Cranes To Wish World Peace

The 5th year Japanese class has been making cranes with origami to wish world peace. This is going to be sent to Hiroshima as behalf of Irish secondary school Japanese students. Well done for the beautiful work!



Parents Association Spring Clean 2023

Despite the rain, the Parents Association and students from Maryfield College were out in force celebrating World Earth Day by hosting its annual Spring Clean of the school’s grounds. It was a busy morning weeding, pruning, cutting back brambles, clearing moss, litter picking and planting new plants. A big thank you to all the parents, especially the students who volunteered, the school caretaker Alan Redmond and principal Dr O’Rourke.  A big shout out to Dublin City Council who provided us with bags, gloves and litter pickers and Tully Nurseries in Ballyboughal who supplied us with some planting. 

The Maryfield Book Club enjoyed a visit from KPMG volunteer

The Maryfield Book Club enjoyed a visit from KPMG volunteers today. Students took part in a cover design competition and enjoyed discussing the book ‘Be Wild Little One’ by Olivia Hope. Students are loving taking part in the Junior Juries programme for the KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards.

Couch to 5k Complete!

Today was also the final day of the Couch to 5K programme. Congratulations to all the girls who have worked hard to improve their fitness and wellbeing. Keep up the good work!

Day 5 of Wellbeing Week- “Rainbow Friday”

Today is Rainbow Friday! Our One Good School team invited Ollie Bell, a guest speaker from Shout Out, an LGBT+ charity. We sold rainbow pins to raise money for Shout Out also. A Find the Flag scavenger hunt completed the activities.

A massive congratulations and thank you to everyone on the One Good School team for all your hard work and achievements this week. You’ve really lifted the mood and made a positive difference.

Wellbeing Week Day 3- Give!

It’s day 3 of Wellbeing Week and because the theme is “Give”, we had a bake sale at lunchtime. No money was involved though; our currency is kindness! We gave out cakes and treats in exchange for positive messages written on paper love hearts! 

Wellbeing Week Day 2- Be Active

Maryfield’s top runners were out bright and early this morning for the Maryfield Mile, part of our Wellbeing Week programme.

Our whole school did a Drop Everything and Move activity as part of Be Active Tuesday, an integral part of Wellbeing Week.

A Just Dance event was also part of the fun and games for Be Active Tuesday.

A lot of fun was had by everyone!


Wellbeing Week has begun!

We were visited today by a representative of Jigsaw, the youth mental health organisation. Emeir talked to our pupils about Jigsaw and mental health in general. The girls then listed what they’re grateful for on our gratitude noticeboard.


Two TY students reach final of Relove fashion competition

Two of the transition year students reached the final of the relove fashion competition on Thursday in Ballymum.


Here are some pictures of the two students Sarah Elders and Isabelle Graham with their outfit that they made from recycled jeans.


The final had 22 finalist out of 200 entries from all schools all over Ireland.


Prefects Raise E1,000 in Aid of Alone

On Thursday the 16th of March,Ms Farrelly and  the Prefects held a St Patrick’s day dress up and fundraiser in aid of ‘ Alone’.
A great day was had by all and the  total money raised was  €1000.
A huge thank you to all Students, Staff and Parents for your generosity.

Welcome Wall To Celebrate Diversity

Our second year CPSE class 2R created a beautiful welcome wall that celebrates our school’s diversity and makes all students feel valued and included. We recognise the importance of providing a supportive environment for our EAL students, and we are dedicated to ensuring that all students feel empowered to succeed at Maryfield College.





On Monday 13th March, ten students along with Ms.Seery took part in the very first Le Cheile Faith Symposium. This was a wonderful gathering of Le Cheile schools from all over the country.

The symposium was held at Knock Shrine in Co. Mayo. the students took part in various workshops including the following:

  • The story of Knock (Museum)
  • The “Mosaic” story (Basilica)
  • Faith sharing
  • Recovery from addiction through faith, with members of the Cenacolo Community.
  • Positivity of music in prayer
  • Meditation


The students had the opportunity to reflect on prayer and faith in their own lives, and on how they live out the Le Cheile values within their own school communities.


The afternoon began with a special celebration of Mass in the Parish church, where various representatives from the schools took part in the liturgy, and everyone joined in the wonderful music.


There were some presentations from schools about the work of their “Ember” teams. This is a peer lead faith leadership group within the schools which aims to help school communities to live out our Catholic Faith.


The students really enjoyed the opportunity to link with students from so many different schools throughout the country, who are all part of the Le Cheile family. It was particularly lovely to meet up with the teachers and students from our sister/school – Cross and Passion, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare.


At the closing session, there was an invitation from the Knock Youth Ministry for students to participate in some summer volunteering at Knock Shrine (16–18-year-olds). Please see the noticeboard outside Room 27 for further information or speak to Ms. Seery


Maryfield can be very proud of the students who went to Knock this year. They were terrific ambassadors for their school. They completed a very long day from early morning to late in the evening, and entered very enthusiastically into the whole event. Well done girls!


We look for to this event being the first of many gatherings that will take place in the years to come.


Elaine Murphy of 5th Year Attends European Youth Parliament in Norway

After attending the Regional and National sessions of European Youth Parliament Ireland, I was selected to attend an international session in Tromsø, Norway. The session had 300 participants from all over Europe, and over 9 days we came together in committees and created resolutions to tackle problems facing Europe currently. The resolutions we wrote will be sent to policy makers across Europe and hopefully influence positive change.


First Year Business Students Host Fairtrade Event

To celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, our first year Business Studies students hosted a Fairtrade event to raise awareness about the work Fairtrade does to support farmers, producers and textile workers in the Global South. By switching to Fairtrade, you are using your financial power to help those most affected by the climate crisis and helping to create a more just world.
Next time you are shopping, look out for the Fairtrade logo on some of your favourite household items!
A big thanks to Fyffes for donating the bananas for each of our first years. 🍌
Thank You,
Ms Clancy’s First Year Business Studies Class. ❤️

First Years Engaging in Drop Everything and Move

First years during Ms O’Sullivan’s SPHE class living the dream and incorporating some physical activity into their day. Students came up with six exercises and then rolled the dice! #embraceequity #internationalwomensday

TY Pupils Participate in Emmanuel 2023

Last Wednesday March 1st, the TY students took part in the EMMANUEL Concerts at the Helix. This is an initiative between schools and the Dublin Diocese. It was great to take part again in this wonderful event after  the Pandemic, and it was so inspiring and uplifting to see and hear so many young people singing. The concerts promote wonderful music that can be used in our schools for Liturgy.

Among the highlights were video greetings from the various composers, and it was a lovely surprise to include a video message from the very famous Bjorn Kristian Ulaevus of ABBA whose song “Ode To Freedom” was one of the pieces performed.
The Religion Department would like to express how well our TY students participated and represented Maryfield College. A special note to our soloists, Cliona Barrett who sang “The Prayer” and Ai Lin Sun who played the piano in the orchestra.
Congratulations and well done to everybody involved. The whole event was a great success.

Lenten Space For Grace

Dear Le Chéile Community,

Our first Lenten Space for Grace takes place today at 13:20 online, the entire Le Chéile community are invited to join us for 20 minutes of prayer and reflection. Please circulate with more members of the community as you feel fit.

We will have in total three Space for Grace online reflections, today, March 15th & March 29th all at 13:20. This is in collaboration with other Trusts and Organisations – CEIST, Spiritan Trust, Loreto Trust, Dublin Diocese & Marino Institute.

We acknowledge that schools & workplaces are busy places therefore we will be recording the reflection and will place it on our website later today so that it can be viewed at another time for those that want it.

Please see attached the advertising poster and below the zoom link for all three Space for Graces

Join Zoom Meeting<>

We hope you can make time for your own faith journey this Lent and join us.

Warm wishes,

Claire Kilroy
Ethos Leadership Officer,
Le Chéile Schools Trust CLG.

TY Japanese Class Visit Japanese Restaurant

The TY Japanese class went to a local Japanese restaurant today to try a bento box to finish off the module. They all enjoyed it very much. Well done to Ms Mika McLoughlin.


6th Year Trip To National Concert Hall

The 6th Year Music students enjoyed their trip to the National Concert Hall this Tuesday to see the National Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet. They loved experiencing their Set Work live!

One Good School’s Peer Education Progamme

This week, two of our fifth years are delivering classes to their peers about mental health and wellbeing. It is part of Jigsaw’s One Good School programme. Well done, Sabrina and Emily!


U14 Badminton Team Narrowly Miss Out In Dublin Championships

Commiserations but still well done to the u14 badminton team who were narrowly edged out in their Dublin final today against St Mary’s, Naas. Our girls fought bravely but succumbed to a 4-2 loss. Our team of Olivia, Taniya, Alice, Janani and Inès did us proud!

Skiing Trip in Andorra

Our 4th and 5th years went skiing in Andorra over the midterm. A great time was had by all!

6th Year Trip to Edinburgh

“Thank you to a wonderful group of 6th years who were a pleasure to bring to Edinburgh and the Highlands last week and we all had a great time”- Ms Carroll.



It’s Safer Internet Day 2023!

It’s Safer Internet Day 2023! Our pupils are hard at work, designing presentations and posters to help their peers stay safe online. Here are some posters produced by our first years. The theme for today is promoting respectful, inclusive online communication. #SID2023


Fifth Year Politics & Society Students Meet with the President of the European Parliament

On Thursday February 2nd, the Fifth Year Politics & Society students of Maryfield College visited the Houses of the Oireachtas at Leinster House. We were greeted by the Parliamentary Education Officer, Conor Reale, who informed us about the role of the Dail and Seanad, before we met with Social Democrat TD Cian O’ Callaghan. Deputy O’ Callaghan discussed issues such as how the role of a TD is changing, his work in the Dail committee on Housing and why young people should get involved in politics. He then took part in a very engaging question and answer session where he listened and responded to every question that we asked of him.

We then watched the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, give a joint address to both houses of the Oireachtas. This was a unique opportunity for us to witness as she is only the second women outside of Ireland to be given this honour. After the President’s address we were then escorted to a room upstairs were we had the privilege to take part in a question and answer session for over twenty minutes with President Metsola and Deputy Leader of Seanad Eireann, Senator Regina Doherty. During this meeting we discussed a wide range of topics such as the difficulties female politicians face, increasing the power of the European Parliament, how the rule of law is under threat, and future challenges facing the European Parliament.

President Metsola took a great interest in our lives as young people in Ireland and asked us what changes we would like to see in our education system and in the society that we are growing up in. She stressed the need for a pragmatic approach to issues but also encouraged us to push for the change that we want to see in the world and she has inspired many of us to follow in her footsteps as future political leaders.

Fifth Year Politics & Society students meeting with the President of the European Parliament


One Good School Peer Education

A group of 5th years is currently engaging in Jigsaw’s One Good School Peer Education programme training. These volunteers will deliver workshops to teach the junior cycle pupils about mental health and wellbeing.

First Year Retreats

All first years took part in class retreats this week in the parish centre in St. Vincent De Paul Church, Marino.

The RE department would like to thank the first year students who participated so well together each day.


“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson


Scout’s experience of retreat


“The Theme of the retreat was Self- esteem. Self-esteem is believing in yourself and loving yourself the way God loves you. I enjoyed all of the games that we played because now I know the people in my class a bit better. I found it difficult to meditate at first but when I got into the flow of it I found it relaxing. I had a really fun day.”


Maryfield U19 Camogie Team Triumph in Dublin Championship Final!

Our U19 team reigned supreme in the U19 Dublin final with an emphatic win over Castleknock Community School. The pitch was frozen over at the start of the match but that did not put off our girls. Captain Ava Lambe of sixth year lifted yet another trophy, in what has proven to be a very prolific colleges camogie career. We will now represent Dublin in the All Ireland championships. Well done everyone!




U16A Badminton Team Crowned Dublin and Region Champions!

It has been a triumphant return to badminton for Maryfield. Our U16A badminton team has been crowned Dublin and Region champions after a home and away victory over St Mary’s, Naas. The quarter, consisting of Michelle Shocan, Mishalini Gopi, Rayna Jose and Cheryl Nakka, will now represent Dublin as they contest the Leinster championships in March. Well done, girls!

Couch to 5K

As part of Maryfield’s Whole-School Wellbeing strategy, we will introduce a couch to 5K running programme, beginning on Monday, 23rd of January. Each pupil is welcome to participate, regardless of fitness levels.

We will meet after school up to three times a week and the aim is for participants to be able to eventually run for 5km without stopping. It starts off with a manageable combination of walking and jogging and progresses towards running only. The plan doesn’t just include running- there will be some general cardio and strength training to help build up muscle and stamina. If you are interested, please sign up on the sports noticeboard. You must also obtain a parental permission form, available on the window ledge across from the sports noticeboard.

Please find attached a PAR Q questionnaire (Physical Activity Readiness ) for anyone interested in participating. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please consult with your doctor before you begin the programme. If any of symptoms occur while participating, you must cease immediately and seek medical help.

We will use a Couch to 5K app (C25k) to keep track of progress. You can complete parts of the programme in your own time. 

The programme will take place on school grounds. Pupils are to wear their own sports gear so their PE tracksuits will still be available for PE classes. Please note, your clothes and footwear may get muddy on occasions.


U19 Team Qualify For Super Final Friday

Our U19 team had a resounding victory over Portmarnock C.S. in their semi-final with a scoreline of 6-9 to 1-1. They will play their final on Friday in Trinity College Sports Ground, Santry at 10.15. Well done, girls!

U19 Camogie Team Win Quarter-Final

The u19 camogie team beat Hartstown CS in their quarter-final by a scoreline of 7-14 to 0-0. They will face either St Dominic’s, Cabra or Portmarnock CS in their semi-final. Well done everyone!

Tickets on sale for the Maryfield Musical- High School Musical

Transition Year Musical – High School Musical

Tickets now on Sale


Tickets for 24th January


Tickets for 25th January


TY Musical 2023 High School Musical Promotional Flyer[7]

Prefect FundRaiser

The Prefects and Ms Farrelly wish to thank all Staff, Students and Parents for their generosity during the Prefects 2nd fundraiser .A very generous €1046.30 was raised for Sonas, which will be used to provide refuge for Women and Children in distress.

Christmas Carols

It is a longstanding tradition that sixth year students sing carols for the first year students here in Maryfield. This afternoon the sixth years encouraged the first years to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and the need for peace in our world. We sang carols together and listened to readings.

There was a special visitor and we also sang some Christmas favourites. Thank you to all the sixth years who planned and participated in our carol service. A special mention to the stars of the show and to Mary-Kate for her impeccable compere skills.

Thanks to Ms Seery, Ms McCarron and Ms Cooney for their help in preparation of our carol service.

Happy Christmas Everyone


Class 4K / 4L visiting Nazareth House Nursing Home

Class 4K / 4L visiting Nazareth House Nursing Home this morning to sing Carols and Christmas songs for the residents. The staff and residents  really appreciated the visit.
A special Thank You to Ms.Cooney and Ms.Seery for arranging this event.

School Pollytunnel

School Polytunnel
We are delighted to unveil the latest addition to Maryfield College – A Polytunnel!
Over the coming weeks we will form a committee of staff and students who will plan, plant, grow and maintain various food and plants in the polytunnel. Our focus is to develop new skills, raise awareness on food literacy and sustainability and most importantly, to have fun.
This polytunnel will provide students with an outdoor learning environment and a space to enjoy the beauty of nature.
We hope that this polytunnel will provide both staff and students with the opportunity to unleash their inner gardener and inspire some to start growing in their own home or outdoor space.
Stay tuned for further updates…
The Enterprise Club

Frosty Friday

Ms Ryan has captured some beautiful views of Maryfield this Frosty Friday!

Christmas Musical Evening

The Music Department and Parents Association held a Christmas Musical Evening last Monday night. Thank you to all the students who took part! You are magic!

TY pupils Complete the CPR 4 Schools programme

Here is a few pictures from the CPR workshop completed by the TY students.
Students completed the CPR 4 Schools programme from the Irish Heart Foundation.

6th Year Retreat

On 1st December the sixth years gathered in the assembly hall for a day of reflection led by our special guest Gerry Keegan. Gerry shared aspects of his own faith journey and encouraged the sixth years to take time to reflect on their own lives and experience. Gerry sang songs and shared his story through examining the lyrics. There were plenty of games and interactive music general knowledge quizzes, correct answers were rewarded with enthusiastic cheers.


It was a powerful experience to be witnessed. Thank you everybody for your respectful participation and sense of  fun throughout the day.


A special word of thanks to our personal Adele act! 😉 Hope you enjoyed the pizza lunch.

The RE Department


Parents Association Sponsors Christmas Tree and Five New Benches

It’s that time of the year again and to mark the start of the Christmas Season at Maryfield College, the Parents Association have sponsored the Christmas tree in the school’s courtyard. Thanks to our committee members who helped decorate the tree which looks great alongside the five new benches that the association purchased last month for the school.

TY Art Workshop-No Place Like Gnome

Here’s some photos of the 4th yrs. with the gnomes they made in a craft workshop run by Ms Mahoney and Ms McLoughlin. Well done everyone!

Junior Certificate Results 2022

Congratulations to all our 2022 Junior Certificate candidates who received their results today! Our girls performed extremely well and made the school very proud.

First Year Student Council Elections

1st Year Elections 

On the 25th of October the First Year elections took place 


  1. The assigned student council members met at the assembly hall after break time. 


      2. They were assigned temporary roles for the election and were explained how to carry out these roles. 


      3. Four assigned members of the Student Council went to collect the first group of First Years and  brought them to the assembly hall where the elections took place. 


       4. After all the groups of First Years voted, all the members were taught how to count votes. 


       5. The elections went really well, and the First Years Student Council members were elected: Lily   Moran from 1R and Abigail Aju from 1L. 


Quiz Night 2022

Quiz Night
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported the first fundraising event of the year. A great night was had by all and congratulations to Tracy Ennis and her team on winning the quiz. A big thank you to all the companies that donated spot prizes and St Vincent’s GAA Club for letting us use their facilities.

Ai Lin Wins Gold and Bronze At the National Taekwondo Championships

Here’s some pics from the Taekwondo National Championships in Limerick last Saturday. Ai Lin got a bronze🥉for 1st Dan patterns and gold🥇in the black belt 1-3 Dan U18 -61kg sparring. Winners will be selected into the National Team and the girl that got silver for sparring is the reigning World Cup Champion! Congratulations, Ai Lin!


Fiona Joby Wins the Halloween Raffle

Congratulations to Fiona Joby 1L who bought the winning raffle ticket at the Halloween Sale on Thursday 27th of October. Enjoy your prize 😊


Halloween Dress Up

Fifth years Holly and Rebecca ran a best fancy dress competition with Ms McCarron’s 1st year classes 1L and 1K. Winners were Alisha Alim and Anna Binoy.

TY Pupils Create A Lesson Plan as Part of Community Action

As part of their Community Action programme with Ms Mahoney & Ms McLoughlin, the girls were asked
to create & present an original lesson plan that would be suitable for junior/ senior infant primary school pupils. They had great fun !



Enterprise Club Halloween Sale

On Thursday, the students from the Enterprise Club held a Halloween Sale for the students and staff of Maryfield College.
We spent the last few weeks preparing for this sale during our lunchtime meetings. We started by thinking of ideas of different products to sell and we decided on making Halloween trick or treat bags, eco-friendly piñatas, Halloween themed baked goods and held a raffle.
We held the sale in the Assembly Hall and displayed our stock.
The sale was a success and we got to put our teamwork, communication and sales skills into practice.
Thank you to everyone who supported our sale. Wishing everyone a safe and happy midterm break!
The Enterprise Club 🎃

5th Years at Go Quest

5th Year Students enjoyed a morning of teamwork and problem solving at Go Quest in Carrickmines on Friday 14th October. They challenged themselves with a mixture of  mental, physical and skill based ‘quests’ to gather as many points as they could for their team. Enjoy the photos from the day!

One Good School Assembly, Croke Park

Mr Smith, parent Patricia Mulligan and pupils, Sarah O’Rourke and Kayleighann Burgess attended the One Good School Assembly in Croke Park on October 19th. It was an event to celebrate the good work that has been done so far by the participating schools.

The event was organised by Jigsaw, who provide help for young people from the ages of 12 to 25.

Former Irish President, Mary McAleese, was a guest speaker, she spoke about the influence one good adult can have on a student.

Ai Lin Wins Two Bronze Medals at the Taekwondo World Cup in Slovenia!

Ai Lin Sun (4th year) flew the Irish flag high at the VIII ITF Taekwondo World Cup in Koper, Slovenia. She earned two bronze medals – for individual and team sparring.🥋 A massive congratulations, Ai Lin, on this huge achievement!





Jigsaw’s One Good School- CLANG

CLANG is Jigsaw’s campaign to help us all learn about and look after our own mental health and wellbeing. From Monday, 10 to Friday, 14 October, we’re asking you to join us in doing five simple actions proven to help with your mental health and wellbeing.

  1. Connect
  2. Keep Learning
  3. Be active
  4. Take notice
  5. Give back in support of Jigsaw

Ways to connect

  • Connect over lunch, featuring special treats brought in by the students or free pizza.
  • Digital detox day, where students and staff don’t use their phones for a whole school day. There’s nothing like removing devices from your day to promote connecting with those around you.
  • A screening. Use a room with a projector in and screen a film or game. A love of sport and film can bring people together like nothing else!

Ways to keep learning

  • Presentation in school, college, or the student union by one of the organisers, explaining the Five a Day for Mental Health and its benefits.
  • Webinar or completion of online course. See what courses we have available on
  • Learn a new skill. Research a skill such as knot tying, cooking a particular meal, origami, etc. Then teach this new skill to each other!

Ways to be active

  • Organised run, walk, or hike. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Pick a nice location locally or further afield and go for a run, walk or hike there.
  • Interschool or intercollege sports game. What about students versus teachers or lecturers or a match against another school/college/society?
  • Board game evening. So why not organise an evening where people can bring in their favourites?

Ways to take notice 

  • Guided meditation There are lots of great guided meditation resources online. Have a look on YouTube and see if anything would suit your group.
  • Nature walk around the school or college grounds. Are you near a nice park or located out in the countryside? Why not find a nice spot and go for a relaxing walk as a group?
  • Litter pick up around the local area. There are few things more relaxing than taking a stroll and cleaning up your local area.

Ways to give back in support of Jigsaw

  • Bake sale. Get a few talented bakers together, make some cakes and treats, and sell them. There’s nothing like a home baked brownie to put a smile on someone’s face.
  • Non uniform day/costume day. Let everyone express themselves through their own choice of clothing in exchange for a modest donation. A classic!
  • Sponsored run, walk, or hike. Keep things simple, pick a challenging location for a run, walk or hike and get sponsored by friends and family.
  • Charity night out, gig or concert. Pick a venue, pick a form of entertainment to offer, and charge for tickets. Maybe throw in a raffle and there you have it!

CLANG with Jigsaw: Team challenge


TY trip to Russborough House

The TYs travelled to Russborough House in Wicklow last Thursday where they participated in Archery, Zip-lining, High Ropes, Bushcraft and Rock Climbing. They then canoed across the Liffey Reservoir to their campsite, and braved the elements as they camped outside. A great time was had by all, where they learned to work as a team and bond with their year group! Many thanks to their teachers Mr. Dempsey, Mr. Devlin, Ms. Keating and Ms. Cooney for travelling with them!